
Sunday, January 3, 2010

in the beginning . . .

Beginnings are full of anticipation . . . full of questions. As I begin my experiment in crafting, I am full of questions:
Can I actually do this?
Do I have the time?
Will the things I make be recognizable?
What craft will I start with?

This last question is the one I will tackle first because I can't begin until I have something to begin with. I have decided to stick to four criteria for the first craft:
1) Easy
2) Fun
3) Easy
4) Fun

I need something easy and doable so that I have some sort of a sense of accomplishment. I need something fun because . . . well, what's the point if it's not fun.
Here are a few of the sites I've been poking around for the inspiration for my first craft till Christmas.

Cindy at Skip To My Lou made these delicious looking felt foods.

I can already imagine my youngest dragging this sweet little doll house by Dawn around the house.

These creative clothes pin dolls found at Angry Chicken would go smashingly with the doll house.
Here's an adorable little monkey from Larissa and mmmcrafts
I love just about everything from Jaime's site Nothing Fancy, but I'm especially fond of her doll bassinet. It was my goggle search for a doll bassinet pattern that led me to Jaime's site.

So . . . what craft will be my first? Any suggestions?  Craft On!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE this bassinet! Definitely on the list of crafts I want to accomplish!


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