
Friday, January 29, 2010

thinking about taking a two year old to a fabric store?


Now, most of you probably already assumed that would be a disastrous combination.  For those of you who, like me, think that a very curious and stubborn two year old would be able to handle a ten minute visit to the fabric store to pick up say . . . four buttons . . . PLEASE THINK AGAIN!

Here's my tale . . .

Every other Friday morning my youngest daughter, who I affectionately call Chucko or Monkey, and I have quality time together . . . just the two of us.  Typically, our time involves chasing around the house, coloring, chasing around the house, cars, chasing around the house, laundry, chasing around the house . . . well, I think you get the picture.  This particular Friday morning I had two items on my to-do list: 1) get potatoes from the grocery store 2) find four buttons.  Sounds manageable, right?  I loaded Monkey in the car with pretzels in hand and began the 20 minute drive to the fabric store.  Now, Monkey isn't a sitter or a stander; she's a runner, twirler, spinner, climber, etc. - hence the name Monkey.  So after twenty minutes sitting in the car, she wasn't interested in being carried or standing next to me as we looked for the buttons in the store.  Let's just say that after picking up the fat quarters (What's up with this name? I don't get it.), the spray bottles and the thread spools; stopping the button rack from spinning; and gathering her shoes and socks out of the display window, the sales clerk was thrilled to check us out and get us on our way with four buttons in hand.  

Getting potatoes at the grocery store went much better . . . in case you're wondering.

Anyway, I'm so excited to share what my second craft till Christmas is going to be!  Look for me to post about that on February 1.      

Craft on!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth! I recently started following your blog and I've been looking through your archives at all your great ideas. Ran across this post and I have to say that I have soooo been there!! This post gave me a good giggle! My youngest daughter is 21 months old and I've learned that snacks are key! :)


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