
Tuesday, February 9, 2010

free pattern . . .

 . . . and a chance to help a child in Haiti.  Wait, now that I have you hooked with the lure of a free pattern, keep reading.  You might be inspired to make a difference in the life of a child.  (I'm so inspired that I'm using my lunch time to type this post, and I really cherish my lunch time!) 

If you've been reading along on my little blog, you may remember a post I wrote following the earthquake in Haiti.  (Click here for a refresher.)  The problems in Haiti are still beyond our comprehension, but I've heard amazing stories about how people like you and me are finding ways to help - even from afar.  An average-sized church in our area collected upwards of $30,000 for Haiti relief.  An elementary school put together 60 hygiene kits for people who need basic supplies like toothbrushes and soap.  Families from our community donated supplies for babies - blankets, cloth diapers, sleepers, etc. 

Today, I'm inspired by Sarah Hanson at Dolly Donations who has come up with an amazingly simple way to make a difference in the lives of orphans.  Check out her blog - Dolly Donations.  (Picture from her blog.)  Sarah is asking volunteers to craft very simple dolls from a super simple (and free) pattern she provides (that can basically be made entirely from scrap fabric) so that these dolls may be sent to Haitian orphans impacted by the earthquake. 

Here's our chance to help in a simple but tangible way.  If you have your grandma's sewing machine in the basement, drag it out and sew a doll.  If you are working on a project, take a break and sew a doll.  If you have never sewn anything in your life but your friend has a sewing machine, stop by her/his (hey, guys can sew too) house and sew a doll.  If you just started sewing a year ago; you are trying to make all your kids' Christmas presents before next December; and you are writing a blog about it, sew a doll.  (Hmmm . . . that last one seems vaguely familiar.)  Basically, what I'm trying to say is . . . sew a doll.

Craft on!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Elizabeth!

    We must be on the same wave length :) I just added you to my ‘Thank You Blog List’! And was about to send YOU a comment hahahaha

    I am so happy you have blogged about Dolly Donations, please feel free to keep doing so! Use any of my photos links etc. I just want to get the word out so as many children as possible get dollies!!!

    Thanks for finding me, take care, Sarah


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