
Saturday, April 10, 2010

saturday spotlight - beautiful bags

I'm not a "purse-person".  By that I mean, I'm not a person who switches purses based on outfit or outing.  I simply put my stuff in a purse (usually a really BIG purse), and I carry that particular purse around until it wears out or the contents of an entire sippy cup of milk get dumped into it.  Sadly, this has been the fate of quite a few purses.  You would think I would have learned to be more vigilant. 

Although I am not a purse person, I have been tempted to start collecting and hoarding purses by my friend Liz who, like me, recently began sewing.  Liz has taken to sewing like a duck takes to water or a dog takes to fire hydrants.  (Liz please don't be offended that I'm comparing you to ducks and dogs.)  She's been sewing for three months, and she makes beautiful bags and purses.  So . . . this Saturday I'm shining my spotlight on Liz - mom, wife, friend, BBQ competitor, beginning sewer, purse person . . .
Be inspired and . . .
craft on!


  1. LOVE that purse, does she sell on Etsy?

  2. I have always been a lover of bags (and shoes, and paper, and more recently, fabric), your friend does a great job!

  3. Liz will eventually be selling on etsy, but for now she's just sewing for people as they contact her. If you want her info, I can e-mail it to you.


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