
Saturday, April 24, 2010

saturday spotlight - an "egg"celent artist

Originally, I started this blog to enable my friends and family to hold me accountable in attaining my goal of making all my kids' Christmas presents for Christmas 2010.  However, I've been pleasantly surprised to discover that other people have stumbled upon this little blog . . . people I'm not related to, friends with or vaguely acquainted with on Facebook.  Whenever new people sign up to follow Twelve Crafts or random people leave comments, I typically head on over to their blogs to check out what they are working on.  I'm always inspired and amazed at the creativity of others . . . people who have more creativity in their front right tooth than I have in my entire being. 

So . . . this week I'm shining my spotlight on Katy of Katy Egg Design.  She is an amazing artist.  This week she posted a subtle and beautiful egg on her blog that I really liked.  I've also included a few of my other favorites.

Check out her blog and website, be inspired and . . .
craft on!


  1. Wow those are beautiful...I wish I were that creative & talented!

  2. Thanks for spotlighting my eggs, Liz!


I cherish each comment! However, I can't respond to each comment anymore . . . I want to, but it's just not possible.

I will ALWAYS reply to a question though if your blogger account is set up to allow e-mail responses. If you ask a question and do not get a reply from me, it is because you are a no-reply blogger. Your best bet at a response then is to e-mail me directly.