
Saturday, April 17, 2010

saturday spotlight - lg imagery

A picture is worth a thousand words.

There's some debate about the origin of this phrase, but whether it was first coined by Fred Barnard, Confucius, Ivan Turgenev or someone by another name, its truth isn't diminished.  I've always wanted to be able to speak with a camera, but for some reason the images I capture through my lens say one word . . . maybe five . . . but definitely not a thousand.  Someday I will finally commit myself to taking a photography class. 

I have a friend whose pictures have much to say . . . about joy, time, life, love  hope, promise, the future and so much more.  That's why this Saturday I'm stepping outside the typical craft bubble and shining the spotlight on an incredible photographer, Lana Greving.  She shot these two pics one day while my girls were visiting her house.  This wasn't an intentional photo session, but I love the pictures she took while the kids were just playing outside.

Check out more of her wordless essays by looking around on her website for LG Imagery.  Be inspired and . . .

craft on!


  1. Wow those are beautiful pictures!!!

  2. What a treasure you now possess, to pull out and remember as often as you please. My kids are 26 and 23. My motto to mothers is, "Twenty pictures a day." Loved this post and the gifts from your dear friend.


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