
Monday, June 21, 2010

tuesday's true confession: i'm a hypocrite

I'm grossed out.  You will be too, but please don't judge me.  I found an ant.  Not outside in the grass or on the sidewalk, but in . . . my . . . kitchen!  And not just on the floor, but in . . . a . . . cabinet!  And we all know that there is NEVER just ONE ant.  I confess (This technically isn't my true confession for today.) that I am not a person who cleans the house everyday, but please believe me . . . our house is clean.  Not spic-and-span-so-you-can-eat-off-the-floor clean, but at least I'm-not-going-to-find-an-ant-crawling-in-a-cabinet-at-11:30-at-night clean.  So, like I said, please don't judge me.  

As a result, I did something that I have wanted to do and needed to do for a long time.  I took everything out of the cabinets, scrubbed everything in serious scrubbing fashion and put everything back in a neat and orderly way. 




I started doing this at 11:30 PM, so it was a late night.  I just couldn't go to bed wondering if there were more of those little pests running around in there.  Thankfully (I think), I didn't find anymore, but now every time I walk into the kitchen or open a cabinet I'm expecting to find an ant.  HELP!  I don't want to use toxic pesticides just for peace of mind, but does anyone know of a toxic-free way to keep these little critters away? 

Here's my true confession . . . I'm a hypocrite.  You see, whenever I find a spider or other crawly little bug in the house, I gently scoop it up and put it outside where it belongs.  I know, weird.  I'm fully aware that this is completely bizarre behavior, but I just can't bring myself to kill them.  I even have my girls trained now to come get mommy when they find a spider so we can rescue it and put it outside.  But there is something in me . . . something deep down inside of me that cannot muster up the same compassion for ants.  I'll just say it . . . I HATE ANTS - not outside-type ants, but any ant found in my house is definitely in danger and should fear for its life. 

I guess I should thank that little ant because it helped me mark a to-do off my list that I've been putting off.  At least my cupboards are cleaned, and now I can do what I like to do and . . .

craft on!


  1. I was horrified the first time we had ants in California in our kitchen. I thought for sure the people before us had been "dirty" and that a good scrubbing would mean we'd never have hands didn't work out that way. In the case of that house, it was an old house with lots of places for them to come in. We'd use toxic stuff outside and less toxic stuff inside.

    They leave scent trails that can be washed away with vinegar. If you just want to kill them, any kind of soapy water/409/cleanser will kill them and wash away the sent, but I'd go over the area with vinegar if you just use soapy water.

    Good luck.

  2. Oh, and those spiders you save will eat the ants and other creepy crawlings that you don't that's not really hypocritical.

  3. love the title to this post:)
    thanks for linking up to "AP Tuesdays!"
    My turn to confess...
    we have ants every my kitchen...*sigh.
    I have had much success with borax sprinkled on the window sills where they were coming it. I have beeen reading how borax can be toxic to small children if eaten so don't use it if you have small kids or pets.

  4. Ugh! Welcome to my World! In the Wet season here, there's no getting rid of them, no matter how clean your house is! Wiping surfaces with tea tree oil is supposed to deter them - and smells nice too! Hope yours have gone for good!

  5. ants aren't a sign of a dirty house. The 1st year we lived here, we had ants TERRIBLY. I had an exterminater come out, and he said they will be bad for years in any newly built area. (digging stirs them up). After 70 bucks, I still had ants. Bought those little ant motels (like the roach motels, but for ants) for 2 bucks, and they were gone.

  6. don't you hate it when critters make you scrub...i spent the day scrubbing, bleaching and mopping my kitchen because we had a mouse!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but my kitchen is clean now.

  7. Ants don't mean your home is dirty!!! I live in a 6 year old home and the owner (who lived here before me) was a neat freak. We get ants EVERY SPRING. (the house is built terribly, they get in from so many places!) I consider myself a clean person and a pretty good housekeeper. I have tried a lot to keep them out and I have not had an issue in a while. I sprinkled cinnamon where there were coming in! (A tip i found through google!)
    I found you thru Jills blog (Jembellish) and Tuesday tag Along. I am a new follower!

  8. Confession: we get ants every spring, too...just part of country living I guess. But speaking of spiders, it's a good thing they don't bug you: I work with a bunch of entomologists (bug researchers) and they tell me that you are never for than 8 feet away from a spider....ever!! 2nd confession: that kind of creeps me out! :) Stopping over from AP Tues. :)

  9. I was that way until we moved to South Texas. Now we have cockroaches the size of dollar bills, I don't really feel the need to rescue those for some reason. I hate ants too! We get nasty fire ants here. Wow, I sound like an ad for reasons not to move to South Texas. :)

  10. You aren't the only one who has a hard time killing creatures. My children catch any flies that come into the house when they are running in and out a million times a day, and let them go back outside lol. At least your cabinets look beautiful now. :)

    Following you from tag-along-Tuesday. Please stop by and visit my blog if you get the chance.


  11. I have had ants once in my kitchen since I moved here and have since then kept a little ant motel in my pantry. Since I have not seen an ant now for two years I figure they work.
    Stopping by from Anti-Procrastination Tuesday.

  12. I have given you an award! Please check my blog on Friday to see it and all it pertains. Have a wonderful day!

  13. I take bugs outside too, except for earwigs. Those I scoop up with a kleenex and put in garbage.

    We all have bugs that we hate. My hubby screams like a girl at moths LOL.

    BTW, I love your blog manners thing in the sidebar.

  14. Oops I got so into the post I forgot to say I was here from Tuesday Tag-along and follow you now.

  15. I don't know if someone else said this but vinegar works for me. I just have some in a spray bottle and squirt where they are coming from and a few inches either way and where ever I see them trekking to. My confession is that I have 3 kids, ages 4, 2.5 and 8 months. As a result, we always have food scattered on our kitchen floor. I sweep every day at least twice but my kids are pigs apparently. (I should probably sweep 4 times a day.) Once I've sprayed the vinegar it keeps them away for about a month. I also mop with just vinegar and water too, mostly because I can't stand the smell of chemicals. My husband hates the vinegar smell though.

  16. lmbo.... don't feel bad,,over one ant! I brought home a box of grain and there were little bugs in it.. for about a week until I found them all over my cabinet.. ug!!
    cute post!

  17. I hate when that happens! I also try to keep our house clean and tidy, but when I find a creepy crawly in the kitchen I get super paranoid. We have been battling these little flying bugs lately in our's war now! Good for you for cleaning out the cabinets. That always feels good.

    Hope you're having a wonderful week!

  18. My mom always put steel wool around the pipes under sinks and a washing area in the house and it worked! She said thy would come in through there but could not survive the steel wool. Sometimes the "old wives' solution work best.

  19. Gotta love and organization project! Thanks for posting on Favorite Things Friday!

  20. I need to clean out my cabinets for the same reason. Thanks for the nudge by example!

  21. one ant isn't something to be ashamed of! they come in looking, a scout. i saw a lot of vinegar comments - vinegar is great to get rid of the scent trail (and really, anything. fyi when it dries, it not longer smells). cinnamon does help keep them out as the suffocate on it. i had a serious ant problem b/c a neighbor was lazy and wouldn't mow her lawn - i'm talking up to my knees! i read instant grits after a rain. so i sprinkled some water on the lawn, threw out some instant grits and 2 days later the ants were all gone. morbidity of it: the ants take both water and instant grits to the queen, she consumes them and essentially explodes. no queen, bye-bye nest.

    i found you via be different...act normal and am now just browsing - i'm loving your blog

  22. I feel like I am in ant city!!

    I live in AL... no judging LOL and there everywhere. Know matter what you do they come inside when it rains... and it seems like its gotten to where its just to hot outside for the little buggers!

    So they come inside... =(

    BUT! Nice pillow animal (different post I know, I was just getting updated with the projects your doing! hehe)



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