
Monday, August 2, 2010

monday's buttons - week 10

It's another manic Monday (thanks Cyndi Lauper),
and that means I have three fav buttons
from my travels around blogland.

Living My Sweet Life  I love simple clean buttons, and I think Liz hits the nail on the head with the button for her blog, Living My Sweet Life.  Here's what she has to say about her button and her blog:

1) How would you describe your blog to someone who hasn't visited your space in blogland?
My blog is a crafty blog that pretty much focuses on my sewing. I got a sewing machine last Christmas and I fell in love. I love trying new tutorials and most of my posts are projects I completed from other bloggers amazing tutorials. I am just starting to make my own patterns... so hopefully one day I can share a few tutorials of my own!

2) In what way does your button reflect your blog?
I love the whimsical colors and the fact that it looks handmade, I can see my self using those little trees as an applique pattern.

3) Did you craft your own button? If so, what program did you use? If someone else crafted it, who?
Yes, I made my own using Picnik. Homemade by Jill featured a wonderful tutorial on using Picnik and now I am HOOKED!

4) What kind of buttons stick out to you?
I am always drawn to the bright colorful buttons. I also enjoy the ones that are funny. (Have you ever looked at Crap I've Made's button? It's hysterical!)

5) What's one blog you turn to for inspiration when you are in a creative funk?
Wow... there are so many... I will have to go with Homemade by Jill. I love her style.

So Very Creative  Heather is a busy woman managing two super creative blogs.  Her newest blog, So Very Creative, is a place she organizes and lists some of her favorite projects around blogland.  Here's the lowdown on her blog button:

1) How would you describe your blog to someone who has never visited?
A blog that features all kinds of crafts from other blogs.

2) How does your button reflect this blog?
It is So Very Creative

3) Did you make your own button or did you inspire/commission someone to make it for you?
I did make my own button that is what makes it So Very Creative, I'm not much of a computer techy so I had to be very creative to make it. I used Picnik to make it.

4) What inspires you to keep blogging?
Other bloggers and their creativity! I love finding fun unIque projects, and I love being able to feature them and make someones day!

5) If you could only read one blog today, which one would it be?
Um wow this is a trick question right? Well if I could only read one today it would probably be Someday Crafts. It is the first blog I stumbled upon in the crafty blog world and was the first blog that featured my project from my other blog and made my day and inspired me to start So Very Creative!

Stepping thru cRazY  I was drawn to Sarah's blog because of the clever title and button that reminded me a bit of the Wizard of Oz - sans the ruby red shoes.  Here's what Sarah had to say about her button and blog:

1) What five words would you use to describe your blog?
Creative, varied, helpful?(I'm hoping, anyway!), colorful, and crazy.

2) Did you craft your button or did you commission someone else to craft it for you? If you crafted it, what program did you use? If someone else did, who?
I created it myself :) First I took a picture of my feet, edited it and added text with, then turned it into a button with a tutorial from A Heart For Home. It was surprisingly easier than I expected!

3) What was the inspiration behind your button? What did you want it to say about you or your blog?
I wanted to be somewhat literal with the whole 'stepping' thing, so I wanted it to incorporate my feet. I suppose I should have been stepping, but I didn't like the way those shots came out. Anyway, I tangled my feet up in a measuring tape because it was fun. That's what I really want my button to say, that my blog is fun. And I do sew, so the measuring tape does come into play.

4) What kind of buttons stick out to you when you are poking around in the blog-world?
I love buttons that are funky, colorful, fun... things that really grab my attention, and make me say 'Whoa, what blog is that?'

5) What inspires you to keep blogging?
The power of craft. Hahaha, that sounds super dorky! No, I just love to craft and create things, and so many other people do, too, and if I can come up with an idea that someone else likes and wants to give a try, that's just so cool! My blog is my creative release, and my 'me' time. My kids love to watch me making something, I think it gets the wheels turning in their little heads, too! It's really a blast. :)

Go check out the blogs behind the buttons.  While you are visiting, make sure you say "HI!" to Sarah, Heather and Liz.

Craft on!


  1. I tried to visit Stepping Thru Crazy's, but there was no link posted. :(

  2. Great pics! I must confess I have a bit of a blog button obsession myself so I so enjoy these posts. Oops, maybe I should save that confession for is it Tuesdays confessions, LOL! Keep searching and finding these great buttons and blogs behind the buttons!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Yikes . . . not sure what happened in the publishing process. The buttons worked in preview, and didn't work after publishing. No worries . . . the links have been fixed!

  5. Thank you for the feature! I love when I unexpectedly see something of mine on another blog! Yay for awesome buttons!! I am off to check out the other 2 sites!

  6. argh! more great blogs to read! thank you for sharing again, but please keep them to yourself in future ~lol~ (or maybe I should get some willpower, and stop clicking on links!)


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