
Monday, October 18, 2010

and the winner of the vibrant designs' hobo bag is . . .

. . . all of you! 

Okay, not all of you win the Vibrant Designs Hobo Bag, but you do all win your very own discount from Vibrant DesignsTwelve crafts till Christmas readers will receive 15% off all Vibrant Designs orders made from now until November 1.  That gives you two weeks to redeem your 15% discount.  You can click here or here to see items ready to ship.  OR . . . and this is my favorite part . . . you can even have a custom bag made just the way you want it.  Check out custom possibilities here

Whether you are purchasing items that are ready to ship or custom made, contact Julie at myvibrantdesigns(at)gmail(dot)com or convo her on Etsy and let her know that you are a twelve crafts reader to receive your discount.

Here are two Vibrant Designs' bags that I am loving right now:

The Sophia Rose Handbag
with Asian-inspired fabric

The Leapster Bag

Did you notice that I left you hanging until the end?  The winner of the Hobo Bag is . . .  #94  Mom~Mommy~Mama.  To be honest when RANDOM(dot)org spit out number 94, I almost clicked the button again hoping for a number like 4.  ;)  I'm joking . . . kind of.  I REALLY need to get around to numbering my comments! 

Congrats Mom~Mommy~Mama on your new All-in-one Hobo Bag!

Craft on!  

1 comment:

I cherish each comment! However, I can't respond to each comment anymore . . . I want to, but it's just not possible.

I will ALWAYS reply to a question though if your blogger account is set up to allow e-mail responses. If you ask a question and do not get a reply from me, it is because you are a no-reply blogger. Your best bet at a response then is to e-mail me directly.