
Tuesday, October 19, 2010

tuesday's true confession: i feel like chewbacca

I had a confession all lined up for today.  Then this morning . . . I didn't do something that I pretty much always do . . . shave my legs. 

I know . . . I know . . . this is a family-friendly blog.  So I hope you don't find that too shocking or too much information.  ;) 

I confess that I just didn't feel like shaving!  And I confess that I liked NOT doing it!  I've shaved pretty much everyday since I turned 12 when I was finally allowed to put razor to leg.  (Okay, there were probably a few days toward the end of my pregnancies when I couldn't reach my legs let alone shave them, but other than that I'm a daily shaver.)  But today I'm contemplating throwing out my razor and embracing the hairy leg . . . okay, not really.  The stubble is already getting to me.  In fact, I'm feeling a little like Chewbacca - you know, that hairy, growling giant from Star Wars, so I'll be back at it tomorrow.  But for one lone day it was nice to shave (pun intended) a few minutes off my shower time.

I think if there is one thing that I would love to give up in my morning routine, this is it! 

How about you?  What's the one thing you would LOVE to give up doing every morning?

I realize that this confession may be way more information than most of you bargained for when you signed up to follow my blog, but in the name of keepin' it real . . . this is me . . . unshaven legs and all.

I hope you will come back tomorrow for a more appropriate crafting-related post. 

Confess on!


  1. i am not a fan of shaving...but i do it. social norm right? well i hate shaving in the winter months because it is so cold, sometimes what is the point!!! one goose bump equals instant stubble. but now that i am so pregnant that i can barely reach anymore it is like i am even more determined to shave and stay shaved. weird right?

  2. Oh, Chewy! I cannot believe that you kept up your routine this long! I remember beggin my mom to let me shave! LOL. Too funny. MY friend was doing it! I wanted to too!

    Anywho. I'd give up doing make-up, only if I could have it permanently tatooed on! But that would be too weird! Actually, I enjoy putting it's removing it that is a bummer, because I'm usually so tired and jus twant to skip that part of the routine!


  3. I would LOVE to not have to put makeup on everyday! Sometimes I don't but I usually do everyday. I have blonde eyelashes so I look scary with no makeup!!

  4. I would love to not have to style my hair every day but if I don't it takes on a life of its own!

  5. I can't believe you've shaved every day since you were twelve... I am not that dedicated to smooth legs, especially during the winter!

    If I could give up anything, I would give up showering. That sounds crazy, but I like just getting up and going in the mornings without having to worry about how I smell... but showering at night gives me weird bed-head in the morning. And I have to blow-dry my hair to get it to behave anyway, so I can't really give up showering, at least not on a regular basis... So, realistically, I'd give up putting my contacts in. I'd love to just be able to see when I wake up instead of being nigh unto blind. Laser eye surgery will happen someday!

  6. Well call me Chewbacca!! I don't shave every day, even in the summer! And today is Tuesday & I don't think I've shaved since um, Friday. Yeah Friday. Now that is probably TMI!

    I wish I could give up cleaning my house. I want it to magically be clean & stay that way. I hate how messy it gets in the blink of an eye!

  7. wow...
    okay, I shave maybe 3 times a week...and I'm a harry girl, I just don't care...
    and if we're confessing...
    I don't shower every day either, I shower every other day...
    and I might put on my makeup 2 times a week...
    and I don't really style my hair, just run a brush thru it...
    not sure what I'd give up because as you can tell I'm a hairy, stinky, makeup-less, bed head wonder!
    but I do get dressed everyday and put the support on for the girls, so maybe just once I'd love to have small enough girls to not HAVE to wear a bra to just drive the kids to school!

  8. Oh my gosh! I seriously have been laughing out loud at all these comments! Not to mention the true confession to begin with. If I were being honest, I would give up showering. And just like the previous comment, I shower every other day as it is!! With my two small girls in the house, my shower doesn't come until after lunch, when the baby's in bed. She is one, crawls all over...and I can't be garanteed that the 3 year old won't open the basement door while I'm showering, and the baby take a tumble. (That has actually happened once...she fell all the way down a set of wooden stairs...YES, my heart stopped and I screamed. PTL she was fine though...she cried and I cried, but she was fine.) So, showering it is. It takes too much time out of my day!

  9. This is too funny. I'm lovin all the comments.
    I am would have to agree with the showering if I could manage it without feeling icky. It seriously cuts into valuable sleeping time. :)

  10. This is funny because just today I was thinking if only the hair on my head would grow as fast as the hair on my legs! lol I totally hate shaving and must confess if i'm wearing pants who knows if i shaved or not, well other than the fact that it drive me nuts lol only in the winter some days I just say, ahh maybe tomorrow I'll shave hehe

  11. Kiera, you are my kind of girl. I don't shave until I can actually see growth. Confession, I went to church last Sunday and was not impressed with what I'd allowed myself to get away from. If I could skip showering/bathing and not feel smelly gross, I totally would. Makeup, hair, house, all of it is painful. I would be Mary Poppins if I could. Or the princess on Enchanted. Sing a song and it's all done.

  12. Oh my gosh you seriously shave everyday?? I only shave twice a week or so... and way less in the winter when it is covered by tights or pants!!!

  13. This was a great confession and I loved reading the comments. I've reached the age where shaving twice a week is good enough for me except in the summer when I have to shave more. I would really like to give up walking the dog in the morning. Again, I've reached the age where my kids have been raised and my husband wanted the dog but he guess who is the primary dog caregiver. Yep, I'm confessing that I would rather shave my legs than walk the dog. LOL!

  14. I love Chewbacca!! ;)
    You shave everiday??
    well, i use depilatory, don't like blades, but only evey other week.

  15. I remember the days of shaving every day... they were BC! but I have probably only shaved my legs once this year, although now we're heading into summer in australia I might change that to once a month or so.


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