
Tuesday, December 7, 2010

my plans were thwarted again!

Well, I had two posts planned for today . . . my usual tuesday's true confession and my second holiday party craft audition . . . PLANNED being the key word.  Ahh . . . I'm pretty sure God laughs at my plans!

My grandma fell and shattered her hip yesterday, so we were planning on getting up this morning and driving to spend a few days with her.  BUT . . . these tiny little organisms called germs had a different plan for us.  The germs decided it would be fun to wake my two year old with a tummy ache at 1:45 AM which quickly turned into a night filled with quality moments with the barf bucket (I know it's not a pretty name, but it's accurate.), a bath at 3:45 AM to wash said barf out of her hair (She did pretty good and only got it in her hair on round five . . . yes, I said round five.), and lots of crying and rocking in the glider (Oh . . . and my two year old cried too.).

Good times!  Can you hear the sarcasm because I'm laying it on pretty thick?

Needless to say, we are a tired bunch today, so one confessional post will be coming up soon, and the party craft audition will wait until tomorrow. 

Here's to hoping that no one else in my house has a wake-up call at 1:45 AM (or any other time) tonight.

Oh for a bright spot today (besides the quality time spent with my littlest kiddo) my crayon gift tags and ornaments got a little shout out at Polly Want A Crafter:

And the memory mitten ornaments got a little space time at Today's Creative Blog:
  Thanks ladies!  Your blogs rock and so do you!

Craft on! 


  1. Hope you guys feel better -- we were all sick last week. Yuck. And when little ones don't feel good it's so sad. :(

  2. Oh man. So sorry she was sick! Hope she's feeling better soon and no one catches it!!

    On a completely seperate note - if you're looking for crafts to audition still, Oopsey Daisy posted a really cute mouse ornament for kids to make today. ;)

  3. sorry about both your Grandma and your little one being sick. No fun!

  4. I'm so sorry about your grandmother and your daughter!
    I hope they get better really soon (and that the bug don't get in anyone else!)

  5. I am so in the boat with you! My little guy was at the barf bucket at 1:30 am yesterday morning. What a night! I haven't seen my blog in a week and can't throw myself back at it either!
    I do love the memory mittens, thank you for that post....I thought I was the only one who fended my kids away from the tree! I am son turned 12 yesterday (yes, sick on his birthday)....I think it is time for a change! Thanks for the kick.....

  6. Hope you all get better and can visit Grandma soon!

  7. Oh yuck! I hope everyone is feeling better now. I'm pretty sure God laughs at my plans, too, if it's any consolation :)

  8. hope you are all feeling better by now, i've been there and got the t-shirt!!!


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