
Friday, January 28, 2011

blog spa: one last giveaway

Don't miss out on our great Blog Spa giveaways and tutorials:
~a Basic Skin Care Set from Skin Journey
~a facial mask and headband
~a soothing prize pack from Barefoot Bath and Body
~a Fabulous Feet Set giveaway from the Abbey James Co.
~a personalized spa body wrap tutorial
~a foot care package from O.C. Styles and Lemongrass Spa
Our last Blog Spa giveaway from Elegant Rose Boutique is up now over at Bev's place.  This shop is AH. MAZE. ING!

 Sadly, Blog Spa is almost over.  We have one more tip/tutorial post scheduled here at twelve crafts for tonight, and our blog hop party will start tomorrow so you can ALL JOIN IN on the party! 

Remember to come link up:
~your own spa tips
~any spa-related tutorials
~any self-care ideas that you have
~a post about one or two ways you have taken care of yourself this week

I have one last shout out to Bev, my Blog Spa partner from Flamingo Toes.  Working with her has been so fun!  As a super creative crafter, blogger and businesswoman, she is the whole package!  ;)   
Spa on!

Blog Spa is sponsored by these great shops:


  1. Thank you so much for your time and effort for the blog spa week.
    Alot of work has gone into all of this. You and Bev are so sweet.

  2. Thanks for having the party, its been a lot of fun, and I've enjoyed coming to your blogs to check them out!

  3. LOVED the Blog Spa. Thank you so much for all the wonderful tips, tutorials and giveaways!

  4. I love the entire gifting idea here. The giveaway list so exciting, It makes me keep coming back again and again


I cherish each comment! However, I can't respond to each comment anymore . . . I want to, but it's just not possible.

I will ALWAYS reply to a question though if your blogger account is set up to allow e-mail responses. If you ask a question and do not get a reply from me, it is because you are a no-reply blogger. Your best bet at a response then is to e-mail me directly.