Well, I have to publish this quickly because I have had very spotty internet connection the last two days. That's right . . . two days with maybe 30 seconds every few hours where the connection works. I have no idea why. But . . . I do know that I'm busy getting ready for M-DAY because two months ago I would have been in a complete panic knowing that I couldn't connect with all of you and all my fav blogs to read. However, I've almost found myself relieved the last couple days that I don't have to feel guilty for not being around blogland. If I can't connect, I can't feel guilty . . . well, I shouldn't feel guilty anyway, but I do miss being around here and around your blogs . . . SOOOO MUCH!
Here's my show off for the day.
Jennifer from Perrilyn Creations took the pretend and play mommy set and added her own twist. Check out her mini mei tai carrier below as well.
What is Blog Spa?
I'm glad you asked.
Bev from Flamingo Toes and I are hosting Blog Spa - and the week wouldn't be the same without YOU!
This week will be all about you . . . taking care of YOU!
January 23 - 28 will be a fantastic week full of spa tutorials, tips, and of course . . . GIVEAWAYS from these great shops:
Amber's Lemongrass Spa Shop
There will be different tutorials and giveaways at both blogs every day - so mark your calendars - you don't want to miss out!
We'd love for you to grab a button too - help us spread the word! (There will probably be an extra entry or two in it for ya!)
Craft on!
Oh my, I almost missed this. :) Thank you!!