
Monday, January 17, 2011

start on your gift list now!

Since I don't really have anything to show you but garbage bags, boxes, totes and piles of stuff that I just move from one room to another, I'm finally getting around to showing off some wonderful homemade Christmas gifts and projects people sent me in the spirit of twelve crafts till Christmas.  

Moving Mommy finished up a labor intensive project for her daughter just in time for Christmas.

Betsy from Mommysgreat did a super cute pretend and play restaurant set.

I've received some super cute projects in my in-box from so many of you, so I will be showing these off in the coming weeks.  It's not too early to start on your Christmas gift list for 2011!

Craft on!


  1. very nice...I agree with you, it's never too early. In fact, it's always nice to have a few things in the closet for gifts throughout the year.

  2. After last year's rush at the end of the year I was going to do what you did and plan for 1 craft per month for Christmas to have done. Thing is - I always want to give it to the kids right away when it's done. Guess I could do crafts for other members of the family though ...

    Elizabeth @ More Than A Mom

  3. I know no one irons....except me. I will let it build up and then I'll spend like 3 hours on the weekend catching up. It's a pain, but it looks so much nicer. I stopped ironing half of what I used to (like kid's school clothes. I even ironed my first born's onesies. Can you say OCD?)


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