
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

you are invited . . .

This is a big day . . . for two reasons! 

1)  All the blogbirthaversaryday giveaways end today which means that tomorrow I get to announce the winners!  Woohoo!

2)  I have another exciting event to share with you all!

Bev from Flamingo Toes and I were "talking" weeks ago . . . when we were both swamped with the fun and festivity of Christmas . . . about how much we needed a break - a little "me" time.  (By the way, have you seen her new blog design.  I'm a little jealous, and I'm not at all afraid to admit that.) 

We decided we needed a spa day!

Unfortunately, we can't get together for a real spa day, so we decided the next best thing was to have a Blog Spa Week - and invite all of you!

Sometimes with all the hats we wear as women - moms, grandmas, wives, cooks, decorators, employees/employers and businesswomen - it's so easy to forget that we need to take a little bit of time occasionally for ourselves - to recharge and refresh.

January 23 - 28 will be a fantastic week full of spa tutorials, tips, and of course . . . GIVEAWAYS from these great shops:
Amber's Lemongrass Spa Shop

There will be different tutorials and giveaways at both blogs every day - so mark your calendars - you don't want to miss out!

We'd love for you to grab a button too - help us spread the word!  (There will probably be an extra entry or two in it for ya!)

Craft on!


  1. This sounds like a great idea. Can't wait to see what you two have cooked up for all of us.

  2. Oooh!! So excited!! sounds like just what I need!!

  3. This sounds like fun!! We just had family pedicure night last Friday. Seriously, I gave a pedicure to the hubby and kids and then gave one to myself!


I cherish each comment! However, I can't respond to each comment anymore . . . I want to, but it's just not possible.

I will ALWAYS reply to a question though if your blogger account is set up to allow e-mail responses. If you ask a question and do not get a reply from me, it is because you are a no-reply blogger. Your best bet at a response then is to e-mail me directly.