

If I can craft, anyone can.  A year ago I bought a sewing machine - on a whim. since then I've "failed" at more projects than i have "succeeded" at, but I keep trying . . . I keep experimenting. 

I craft on!
To read more about the specific reason for this blog and blog title, read my very first post.

Here are my two main inspirations for all my crafty projects:



If you have a tutorial you think would make a great gift idea, feel free to submit it by html or blog link to my e-mail address for a possible feature post.
My ever-so-patient husband keeps saying, "If you are going to spend so much time on this crafty/bloggy thing, couldn't you at least support our family with it."  He's funny!  I'm not quitting my day job, but I'm open to swapping ads with similar sized blogs in two ad spots a month or check out rates below. 

Here's a little info as you consider sponsoring twelve crafts:

     -Blog visits - Visits range from 800 to 1,200 a day with a daily average of 922.
     -Page views - The daily page view average for twelve crafts is 2,002.
     -Visit length - The average length of a visit is 3:11 minutes.
     -Post frequency - I post at least five days a week.*
      *At least two of the posts are tutorials/projects that I submit to a variety of parties and other sites.

Current rates and options:

     -Sidebar button ad - $8 per month includes feature post
     -Sidebar button ad - $20 for 4 months includes feature post
     -Feature post on Monday and sponsorship for remaining posts that week - $10
     -One sponsor-post a week from now until Christmas - $30.00
     -Host a giveaway and/or review - give one product to me; giveaway is FREE!
     -Sidebar button ad for 4 months, a feature post, 8 sponsor-posts (which means your ad will be included at the button of 8 posts over the course of 4 months) - $40.00

You can contact me with questions using the e-mail address above.  If you are interested, please e-mail me a link to your site as only family friendly sponsors will be accepted.  I look forward to hearing from you!