
Friday, June 25, 2010

count down - you can still enter to win!

Happy June 25!  I know . . . I know . . . for most people June 25 is just another day.  It is no different from June 24 and June 26, but as I mentioned in yesterday's post I think June 25 is worth celebrating because I'm half way to my goal of making all my Christmas gifts for December 25, 2010.  I'm using today's post to do three things:

1)  Celebrate by giving away a $30.00 gift code.
(A gift code is the same as a gift card. You use it by shopping on-line and then typing in the code at check out).  There is still time to enter.  I will count everyone that enters TONIGHT (JUNE 25) BY 11:59 PM (CST).  So go HERE to find out how you can have an opportunity to win.

2)  Encourage you to start thinking about what you could make - yourself - for someone else this Christmas. 
I admit that it might be easier and faster to buy all your gifts at Amazon - which is what I basically did last year.  ;)  But there is truly something special about a gift that has been labored over and loved on with your own hands!  I've become even more convinced of that these past six months.  So I encourage you make commit to making just ONE gift for someone in your life this coming Christmas.  Start on it now because who knows . . . you might like doing it so much that you'll want to make more!

3)  Review CSN stores. 
The gift code that I'm giving away was donated by CSN.  They contacted me and asked me if I was interested in working with them through a give-away and review.  As I mentioned in a previous post, I didn't really want to get into the review thing.  However, I eventually decided that a give-away would be a great way to thank my followers (because I can't believe I have any followers).  And I didn't feel right about giving away a gift code/card to a place that I didn't really have an experience with myself.  I mean, what if CSN is a horrible place to shop at.  How rude of me to give you something as a thank you that is horrible!  ;)  

Thanks goodness that my shopping experience at CSN was anything but horrible.  I bought three things all for UNDER $30.00:

a suitcase for my daughter (the red one)

construction paper for our craft time

and these cool Fabric Fun Pastel Dye Sticks.

I'm not going to review the products (although they are all wonderful) because chances are you wouldn't by the same random assortment that I did.  Rather, I want to review CSN as a store.  I'm happy to say that every step of the process with CSN went smoothly and efficiently.  I'm the rare type that doesn't actually want to talk to a real person to order something.  I like to order online without talking to anybody from customer service, and I didn't have to. YAY!  I ordered online late in the afternoon on a Tuesday and the construction paper and dye sticks came Thursday morning.  That's crazy fast - less than 48 hours from my order to my house!  The suitcase came very next day.  Everything arrived undamaged and in great condition.  Woo hoo!

So if you are the winner of the gift code, I think you are in for a good experience with CSN.  If you aren't the winner (and I wish everyone could be), the next time you need to buy something online, consider CSN for easy ordering and fast delivery.       

I think you may even find some great items so that you can . . . 

craft on!


  1. Merry Halfway Til Christmas! (You are coming to my Christmas Open House next month right?) My family thinks I'm nuts ( I don't disabuse them of this) because the 25th of every month I remind them exactly how many months are left til Christmas.

  2. Happy halfway! What great things at CSN and crazy fast shipping. I personally would love to hear what you think of the fabric pastels. I love to embroider by hand but I'm getting really bored with just plain embroidery, so I bought some plain ol' pastels a few weeks ago to tinker with on my embroidery. I had no idea fabric pastels existed!


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