
Tuesday, July 6, 2010

nothing to wear: t-shirt refashion

Lately, I have felt like I have nothing to wear.  It's not true!  I have a closet full of clothes . . . and it's not a small closet.  I can't possibly justify buying more clothes . . . or afford it if I could justify it.  So I'm doing something I've wanted to do for a LOOOOOONG time.  I'm making the most of what I already have and putting together a little t-shirt refashion with the many plain t-shirts in my closet.  But the first thing I have to ask myself is . . . How on earth did I acquire so many t-shirts?  I've thought hard about this, and here are my theories:
  1. A t-shirt fairy comes in the middle of the night and leaves them.
  2. They mate behind closed doors.
  3. In summer, my long sleeve shirts molt and become short-sleeve shirts.
  4. When my husband's shirts experience too much shrinkage, he puts them in my closet. 
If I have a few more minutes, I could think of more, but all I know is that I couldn't possibly have actually purchased that many plain, short-sleeved t-shirts.  Right?

Whatever the reason, I'm putting these t-shirts to use in the next few weeks to cure my I-have-nothing-to-wear dilemma.  

Here's my first refashion. 

2 t-shirts, scissors, straight pins and your sewing machine

1)  Cut sleeves off the shirt you are using for your base shirt.  If you don't like the neckline, cut one in the shape you would prefer.

2)  Cut the bottom hem off the shirt you will be using for the ruffles.  Then cut four or five 3 inch strips off the shirt torso.

3)  Add a strip to one cut-off sleeve edge by folding ruffles one at a time and pinning them to the sleeve edge.  Half of the ruffled strip should be one the base shirt and half will be off the shirt.  Turn shirt inside out and sew with machine about 1/4 of an edge from the sleeve edge.

4)  Repeat with other sleeve.

5) Take another strip and attach it in the same manner to the neckline starting in the center of the back.  Ruffle the strip around one side of the neckline and down the front just off center.  Repeat with another strip on the opposite side.  Pin under each end.  Sew down the center of each strip.

**If you need to lengthen the strips, sew the ends of two strips together and simply fold the seam under in a ruffle so it doesn't show.

7)  Tada!  Your refashioned t-shirt! 

Now, I just hope that when I open my closet tomorrow morning, there aren't even more plain t-shirts inside.  Then I know something strange is going on in there when I'm not around.

Grab some of your old t-shirts and . . .

craft on!

p.s. The fonts on blogger are driving me nuts.  I can't find one I like.  They seem either too small or too big or too . . . I don't know.  I just know I don't like them.
make it wear it


  1. I love you for this! I have also been noticing that I have an obscene amount of plain, solid-color tshirts and contemplating recycling them. Once we get back from our vacation next week, I'm taking the scissors to them.

  2. Love your shirt! I also love your t-shirt theories!

  3. What a cute ruffly shirt! I love a great refashion. :) Super cute!

  4. I absolutely love your blog. So I am passing on to you the Blog With Substance Award! You can check it out at

    Thanks for all of your fantastic ideas!!!

  5. I love it! I'm going to do it!

  6. fabulous! this is precisely the "see it, make it" eye that i sensed you had - great job!!

  7. coming from cheri..i so feel your pain and HATE myself for thinking i need more clothes! this is adorable!

  8. This is really cute! I have a bunch of maternity tees that are going to go through the refashioning cycle when this (last) pregnancy is over!

  9. Love this. It's fun going shopping in your own closet. At first I was afraid to cut up anything because I don't have the best sewing skills and was afraid of ruining a good shirt. That I WASN'T wearing! So either I'd like it and wear it or it would continue to sit there.

  10. you are amazing!!! That looks like high fashion! Smiles!!

  11. Elizabeth, I love this! You must wear this sometime when I'll see you; the pictures are great, but I want to see your handiwork up close. (And, how many t-shirts can I send over to you to have you do this for me?!) ;)

  12. Again this is awesome! You really should link up to my Upcycling linky party.

  13. new follower from just lu
    I can't say I will attempt this but that is toooooo stinkin' cute!
    I keep saying one day but that day needs to make it so I can make that ;)

  14. I saw a t-shirt refashion a bit like this when I was at the store today. It made me want to do this...

    I like the colors you chose...

  15. well, i would like that your t-shirts go wild tonight so, tomorrow you would have to invent some more!!! ;) (and share with us, of course!)

  16. I SO love your blog and all of your craftiness!! Still hoping some of it will rub off on me ;)

  17. Love this! I'm going to go through my t-shirts today! Thanks for the great tutorial! (Just found you through Fireflies and Jellybeans.)

  18. Cute!! I hope you'll link up to Make IT Wear It today at

  19. Now that is one cute much nicer than a plain old t-shirt. I don't have many t-shirts like that, but I do have lots of scoop neck, sleeveless tees. Hmmmm...maybe I can make that work.

  20. Beautiful work, I love the inventive recycling to make something new!

  21. First time here and my word, this is awesome! All the other refashions never appealed to me cause I have long sleeve shirts I wanted to do something with. THIS will be perfect for me! Thanks :)

  22. This is a really cute t-shirt re-fashion. I bookmarked this page because I soo want to try this out. Mine will not be nearly as cute as yours, but I'm gonna try.

  23. This is SEW cute. I would love to try one of these someday! Great job.

  24. Hey,, only just found your blog but love it already. Can't wait to read more!!

    Love this idea, perfect for all those T.Shirts that get slung to the back of my daughters wardrobe;)


  25. You say anyone can craft... but look at you.. you are amazing!! Cute shirt!!

    GREAT SITE!! I can't wait to explore more!! I am your newest FRIDAY follower!

    Plz visit and follow at:

  26. I was looking at your wonderful t when you were commenting on my arbor! I am loving all the refashion t's I see around and really need to try and make one. I don't normally wear them but love them dolled up a bit like this!!

    bee blessed

  27. Sooo sweet ~ thank you for the wonderful tutorial !!


  28. That looks awesome! Thanks for linking up to It's Party Time Thursday@PonyTails&FishScales!

    ~So how's the kitty eye patch coming along...hehehe?!

  29. So cute!!! I'm always saying I have nothing to wear when I open my closet. You've inspired me! Thanks for linking up!

  30. This is beautiful!! I love it. Especially the colors...I love gray.

  31. super cute, I would so wear that!!! thanks for linking up to "AP Tuesdays!"

  32. Thanks for helping us have another great Anything Related! ~Bridgette

  33. Adorable!!! I have about a million plain t-shirts too, I am so going to try this. :-)

  34. Adorable!! Thanks for linking @Creative Itch's "Sew Cute Tuesday"!

  35. so coool that my readers would love to be able to find you and read about it!

    do link it up at our weekly DIY linky tutorial party, which I just opened 5 minutes ago:

    If you hurry, you can possibly be the first to enter... ;0)

    see you soon!

  36. Great project! And such an improvement on the "old t-shirt."

    Thanks for stopping by for Friday Favorites!

  37. That is a great color combination!

  38. I have been wanting to try some refashion too! Great job!

  39. Very cute! You should link up to my Style File-

  40. Oh I like this one too! Super cute ruffles. I have a ton of tees that are screaming to be fashionably pretty like this! Thanks for the inspiration. Thanks so much for joining The Sunday Showcase - I greatly apprecite it! Hope you have a great week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

  41. I love this! Adding it to the To-Make pile right away. Very cute.

    Found you at Under the Table and Dreaming.


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