
Saturday, September 18, 2010

four reasons i love blogging

We all have reasons that we love blogging.  A creative outlet, a networking opportunity, a way to promote an etsy shop or business, alone time . . . these are just a few of the reasons some of you have told me that you love blogging.

Here are the top four reasons I love blogging:

1)  Fun Opportunities - Remember my obsession with soda cans

It all began when the Iron Crafter challenge was kicked off back in June over at Fireflies and Jellybeans.  Iron Crafter has been going strong now for four rounds, and the fifth round is about to begin on Monday with this round's secret ingredient . . . cardboard boxes. 

And guess who the guest judge is for this round . . . go on . . . guess . . . okay, I can't hold out any longer . . . IT'S ME!  When Fawnda asked me, I almost fainted . . . that's how excited I was.  After my role as guest judge sunk in a bit, the nerves set in too.  How will I choose?  Anyway . . . you have from September 20 to 24 to link up your cardboard projects.  Don't miss out on the fun! 

2)  New Friends - I've mentioned this a few times this week, but the biggest surprise of blogging has been the relationships that have developed.  For example, Sandi over at A Legacy of Stitches, was one of my first readers.  I think she began reading back in late February or early March when I had about 20 readers.  But she didn't just read . . . she e-mailed me and we ended up getting to know each other a bit.  This week she sent me a wonderful little treat . . . of the felt kind.
Aren't those colors beautiful?  I'm so excited!  My mind is spinning with ideas for these beauties.  She has a quilting blog that I could drool over for hours, and I don't even know the first thing about quilting.  Go check it out by clicking of the red blog name above!

3)  Inspiration - I'm inspired daily by so many out there in blogland.  I love being inspired!  I also love inspiring others.  So, that's why I get so excited when people send me pics of the projects they've done after being inspired by a project that I posted here on twelve crafts.  Check out these cute pillow buddies that Megan made her sweet girls.  I think you will agree they look amazing!

4)  I get to give stuff away - And I love to give people stuff.  For example, today Camille, from Mother*Lode, and I get to give Kim (lucky #13) a set of puzzle blocks.  Apparently, the random number generator at RANDOM(dot)ORG does not think that the number 13 is bad luck.  ;)  Congrats Kim on winning the very first Stuff Your Stockings giveaway!  I'll be in touch soon.

Don't forget to scroll down to the next post (or click here if you are reading this through a reader or e-mail subscription) to enter to win a beautiful bracelet or learn from a great tutorial how to make one yourself.

Why do you love blogging . . . or at least like it enough to do it?

Craft on!


  1. You are a guest judge... Talk about being a celebrity! Can I get your autograph? ;)

  2. Woot wooh! Nice work...You're the next Paula Abdul! (Lucky!)

    And those pillow buddies rock!

  3. congratulations!! I'm sure you'll do fine. Those pillows are fun.

  4. by the way, I'm playing a game on my blog, I'd love it if you come over to play.

  5. ooh, there's some great colours of felt there! and those pillow buddies look great, too!

    I blog for all the same reasons - and I just had a random thought - I hope you keep blogging and crafting next year when you have reached your goal of crafting your gifts for this year!

  6. Congrats on the invitation to be a guest judge!! I agree with all your blogging reasons but would add one....blogging allows me to share the skills that come naturally to me with a whole lot of other people. It lets me go way beyond the community education classes or volunteer library projects, or quilt classes at a shop. It gives me purpose to know that by sharing with others, they may find some craft or book or project that will bring them joy. I guess that's sort of inspiration. Megan's ladybugs are just adorable and all thanks to you. :-) I'm going to be really interested to see what fun thing you create with that felt!

  7. Your list is great! I especially concur with #2 and #3. Haven't had a giveaway opportunity yet, but I'm workin' on it! :) What I'd add to your list: a sense of accomplishment. Blogging gives me an outlet for my abilities and creativity, and I get the satisfaction of seeing my work in print!

  8. Yeah! I get puzzle blocks! I'm so excited! Thank you so much!

  9. I just found your blog , looking through other blogs and I am in total love with your blog!


I cherish each comment! However, I can't respond to each comment anymore . . . I want to, but it's just not possible.

I will ALWAYS reply to a question though if your blogger account is set up to allow e-mail responses. If you ask a question and do not get a reply from me, it is because you are a no-reply blogger. Your best bet at a response then is to e-mail me directly.