
Sunday, September 19, 2010

pretend and play dolly diapers

Here's a little recap of what we've covered so far in the pretend and play set.

And little wipes need little diapers, so in an effort to complete the pair . . .

Pretend and Play Diapers

Here's what you need:
-narrow elastic
-pinking shears, sewing machine, etc.

These diapers fit our sweet little 11 to 13 inch dolls.  Adjust measurements for your dollies. 

Here's what you do:
1) Cut a 5 1/2 by 5 1/2 inch square with pinking shears (again, don't forget to adjust diaper size for doll size).

2) Fold bottom of square up to almost to top of square leaving about 1/4 inch from top edge.  At this point, I also cut a bit of a dip in the front of the diaper.

3)  Cut a triangle off each of the bottom corners that measures about two inches on the diagonal.

4) Using a long stitch on your sewing machine, sew a straight line at the top of the backside of the diaper.  Do not back stitch on either end.

5) Pull one of the threads to make a slight gather in the diaper back.  Tie ends off on both sides.

6) Place elastic over the gathered thread and sew onto diaper.

7)  Sew on small strips of hook and loop as as the diaper tabs, and put on doll or tuck away in pretend and play diaper bag.

Craft on!


  1. So cute and easy! I'm thinking that these are an appropriate Christmas gift for a little boy who is going to be a big brother in the spring, right?

  2. So cute! You make everything look so easy!

  3. These are so cute. I just today had my grandtwins and said I needed to make their babies some cloths and some diapers! Perfect timing.

  4. These are so so cute! Really Elizabeth - the set is amazing. I love all the details. Your girls are going to have such a good time playing with these!!
    Are you going to show us pictures after Christmas with the girls playing with their new toys? I'd love to see that. :)

  5. I'm dying with all the cute stuff you are coming up with!!

  6. How simple and how *easy*. My little man was coveting our little neighbors baby doll over the weekend so I'm thinking that might be his birthday gift... we'll see how my husband feels about that!

  7. Those are just too cute. Thank you so much.

  8. My daughter would love these! Brilliant!
    You should come link this up at Making It With Allie!

  9. Hi! I'm Lindsay a new follower of your blog! What a cute idea! Gonna have to make some of those. THanks for the great idea!!
    Hope you will get the chance to stop by my blog:

  10. Thanks for the easy doll diaper tutorial!

  11. OMG! Thank you so much for posting this. I was thinking just today that I needed to make some for my little girl!

  12. Found this through NightOwl's Hoo's Got Talent. I love this and the wipes idea! Can't wait to make some for my kiddo for Christmas!

  13. Wow! Thank you so much! These would be a great idea for presents for Christmas. Thanks for sharing. I will be linking to your great projects.

  14. What a brilliant and simple idea you came up with. Most dolly diapers are unnecessarily complicated and my daughter can't figure out how they go on. "The elastic goes in the back" will be our new catch phrase. :-) Thank you for sharing these with us!

  15. Way cute! My daughter, when she was little, actually did a lot of "hand sewing" for her doll things similar to you. That was the way she started out!

  16. Hi found you through Skip to my Lou and im sooo glad
    Although my housework is going to suffer!


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