
Monday, November 29, 2010

twelve (plus) days of traditions: personal ornaments

Kim is here!  Kim is here!  You know . . . Kim from a girl and a glue gun!  She has a wonderful ornament tradition to share with us.  Don't forget to . . .
check out the 4 Advent Calendar giveaways . . . that's right, I said FOUR!
Party & Cake - Peace On Earth Printable Party Collection
CopyCraft - CHRISTmas Advent Calendar Tree ePattern
Julie Marie - Mod Tree Advent Calendar
happythought - Advent Calendar Garland pdf

Yo. I'm Kim from a girl and a glue gun! I am so excited to be here!

When Elizabeth emailed me about my favorite family tradition I jumped on it!  I have a ton....(like slowly going around and having each person open one present at's like pulling teeth..but I LOVE it (and my mom did it us so it's only fair!) but that's not my favorite.....and I am currently shooting for a mostly handmade Christmas right now on my blog (but that one is DEFINITELY not a favorite...stressful!)  but if you want to come over and see the handmade goods I've got posted so far...head on over.

 (My favorite is the animal scarf...I just love it!...does that
sound conceited? Sorry.  Really though... I LOVE IT. I
think I might be a genius. Okay, I KNOW that sounded conceited.)

but my favorite tradition is actually another one my mom started! In our stockings each year, we
got a special ornament. It represented something we did that year, or something we loved, or something that represented us.  (what sport we played in high school that year, a favorite obsession (like flip flops or a purse) or maybe a chocolate bar....cause we all know how much I love chocolate!) She would write on the back the year we got we could keep track of what we did each year.

Then we got old, and kicked out of the house, and started a family of our own...we got all the ornaments that were ours. I remember that first Christmas tree with my husband...full of all the things that were ME! (poor husband had nothing!)

I have since started this with my own kids...(and my husband...cause I didn't want him to feel left out!)
(The tv is for the year my husband got his Ginormous far the
best year for him!) sidenote: he is getting an In-N-Out ornament this
year (he has an obsession!) and I have been on a look out for an xbox that will probably be next year!)

(The scooby doo was the boy's costume for that Halloween.  Batman was
HIS obsession (still is). Two years ago, he watched CARS every
morning. EVERY morning! (it was the only way I could shower and get my
crafts...oh I mean cleaning), and his ornament when he was 2 was the
basketball...even at two he loved throwing balls!)

Now, when we set up our Christmas tree (usually the day after BLACK FRIDAY) My kids wait "patiently" (okay, asking every two seconds) to get their ornaments...and when I finally dig
them out of all my Christmas decorations, I give each child the box of their ornaments. They open them up so excited....and then they get to place all  their own ornaments on the tree.

Some years...I do really great finding them (hallmark always has AMAZING ONES)...but sometimes I know exactly what I want...and can't find I make my own! (like the littlest pet shop...I had to
stick a hoop in it's head and added some hot glue! I heart my hot glue gun!)
She has a princess Ro (from barbie's island princess) cause that was
what she was for Halloween that year...and the red girl is a
ballerina...that was for the first year she did dance...and all of
them get a baby one that says My first Christmas for their first

As they get older the more fun it gets to pick
which one truly represents them.  I'm sure star wars will be on
the list this year....maybe an ipod for the daughter....and for sure
mickey mouse for the babe (I didn't show her ornaments cause they
consisted of a stork and a rubber ducky (she's only two!)

I also save any they get at church or school, or any that they made...
cause you know you just can't throw those away.

and I put those in the box too...(and i make sure they get the year
written on them...and where they got them from)

When we get the tree all set up...we turn off the lights and sit there and look at all the things that makes us...US! We love it! The whole month we keep rearranging and playing I-spy with all our

I LOVE CHRISTMAS! All parts. but this is one of my most favoritest part!

And if you love ornaments too...I'm having a ornament giveaway on my blog! 
So come check me out!


Thanks Kim! 

I already entered her ornament giveaway . . . definitely go through your entry into the pot!

Tradition on!
Don't forget to enter add your own tradition below.
If reading through subscription, click over here to add your own tradition post.


  1. Great tradition Kim!

    Each year I order a personalized ornament with the family info - started when the Hubs and I got married. It is great to see it go from two to five over the years! ;)

  2. I do that too! We have a new ornament each year for the family tree representing something big for all of us that year and then each of our daughters gets an individual one. Sometimes they are the same event but usually different. In fact I just wrote a post about it the other day that will be going on the blog in about a week. It's so much fun!

  3. This is so great!! We do this with our kids - but I haven't written the years on them. Wonder if I can go back through and remember?? haha. Thanks for sharing this!


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