Tuesday, July 27, 2010

tic tac toe knob magnet game

In the midst of working on my sixth craft till Christmas this month - haircessories, I'm also turning my attention towards stocking stuffers.  I'm going to be throwing some stocking stuffer tutorials in now and then for the next five months leading up to Christmas.  And I'm looking forward to featuring some of those stocking stuffers linked up on my stocking stuffer share-along page.  

This stocking stuffer was completely inspired by Fawnda and Jeannine over at Fireflies and Jellybeans.  You might remember how I obsessed over soda cans for a few months after participating in their first ever Iron Crafter Challenge.  I love being challenged to make something out of a random object, so this challenge is right up my alley.  The Iron Crafter is on round three now, and the secret ingredient . . . knobs and/or hinges.  Hmmm . . . let my new obsession begin!!!!!!

This tic tac toe knob game is going to be the perfect stocking stuffer for my oldest daughter who loves to play tic tac toe and is trying to teach our little Monkey to play . . . it's not going well, but by Christmas I have a feeling they'll both be tic tac toe masters.

Tic Tac Toe Knob Magnet Game Tutorial

What you need to grab:
-10 knobs with a large enough base to glue a magnet on
-scrap paper in contrasting patterns or colors
-mod podge
-round magnets slightly smaller than the base of the knob (make sure you pick a strong magnet)
-magnet strips
-random stuff like pen, scissors, paint brush

What you need to do:
1)  Trace the top of your knobs on the back of scrapbook paper.

2)  Cut out these traced pieces, and trim to fit on top of knob.

3)  Mod Podge onto knobs.  Let dry.  Mod Podge second coat.  Let dry.

4)  Cut four magnet strips equal in length.

5)  Trace strips onto back of scrapbook paper.  Cut out.

6)  Mod Podge scrapbook strips on to non-magnetic side of of magnet strips.  Let dry.
7)  Use hot glue to affix round magnets to knob ends.

8)  Use hot glue to assemble magnet strips into tic tac toe board.

9)  Done!  Get ready to play tic tac toe on your fridge!

Craft on!


Jocelyn Christensen said...

Oh, heaven help us, you are going to win this challenge, I know it!

Unknown said...

What a fun idea! I love magnet games because they make the fridge more exciting. Plus they can be made portable with just a cookie sheet. :) I also have a feeling you are going to win!

Unknown said...

Love this idea. WOuld make great stocking stuffers. I will want to make these. I think the ladies in the office would like these for their file cabinets. Fun!


Kenzie said...

I love it! What a great idea! If your girls are like mine they will fight over the flower knobs!

Papgena Made It said...

in the fridge?????
I was wonder what it was the black surface...very cool!

Cate Brickell said...

clever idea! I wish I had half your imagination!

Kit said...

This is sooooo cute! Unfortunately, won't work on my stainless fridge. Would be cute on a cookie sheet I guess. Great work!

Elder Esplin said...

CUTENESS! This is such a fun idea. I love how it goes on the fridge. Thanks for sharing!

Jennie @ CInnaberry Suite

Liz @ LivingMySweetLife said...

This is awesome! I wish my stupid fridge wasn't stainless steal!! I miss magnets!

Annette W. said...

I love what you said right up there explaining how, um, hard it is to reply to a noreply blogger!!

Anyway, I love your blog! Especially the theme of a craft a month by Christmas!

Beverly {Flamingo Toes} said...

wow - you are so smart! I love this idea! So many options too - you could make different sets for different holidays. Love it!!!

Fawnda@Fireflies and Jellybeans said...

WAY to go! I love this idea! Way creative!

Thanks for linking up to the Iron Crafter!!

Mom2fur said...

That is really cute and clever! You know what else you could do with it? Bring it along on a road trip and let the kids play tic-tac-toe on a cookie sheet!

Anonymous said...

How clever is that?! What a terrific idea! I love that its on the fridge - that would get tons of use in our house!

fawndear said...

This would get tons of play in my home. Love the creativity.

Nanny Dee said...

Wow -- what a great idea! I have some leftover plain wooden handles that would work also by sticking the magnets on! Thanks for the step-by-step photos as well!

Maggie said...

Very cute! My kids would love this.

Joy@Thrifty Parsonage Living said...

Very cute and creative idea!

Julie said...

Very cute!

Petie@inspirednesting.com said...

Love this! Looking forward to staying tuned for other great xmas craft ideas. It is right around the corner?!?!!!

Maria Babin said...

they make magnet paint, im thinking this would be a cute and fun idea for long road trips, just paint a small square flat surface with the magnet paint

Kaysi @ Keeping it Simple said...

What a fun idea!!!

polwig said...

I just saw this on All Thingz Related and it is a super cute idea. There are so many products on the market that allow people to place magnetic chalk board anywhere. We have one in our powder bathroom and the kids love it. I think I need to add tic tack toe to it but then I will never be able to use that bathroom again ;)

Beverly {Flamingo Toes} said...

You know I love this game - I just had to tell you that I voted for you today. ;)

Marty said...

What a cute idea! My daughter loves tic tac toe=)) Found you through a linky party=)

Unknown said...

im featuring your marvelous idea next week at MMM. thank you for linking up !!

Unknown said...

Well that is really cool. :) I like it!

Nooly said...

what a great idea!!!

Sweet Little Smoothie said...

Sooo cute! I love it!! This is an awesome stocking stuffer, and I love that it's portable!

Katie Brown said...

Very cute idea! Thanks for sharing it! As soon as my kiddo is old enough...I'm definitely going to make one for some quick fridge entertainment.

Alison @ Oopsey Daisy said...

FABULOUS idea!! I love the idea of using knobs!!! Too cute! Thanks for sharing!


Amy C said...

This is such a cute idea!! The tope of the knobs are so cute! Thanks for sharing.

Nesty Girl said...

Great idea! And what a great way to use of scraps of paper! I hate throwing them away; too pretty!

Sew Can Do said...

I've featured your project on this week's Craftastic Monday link party. Stop by & grab an I've Been Featured button:)

Amy said...
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Amy said...

so clever, love it!

Julie said...

I LOVE this! I started crafting for Christmas a few years ago and I'm always looking for great stocking stuffers. YOU came up with a great idea. Kudos.

Come on over!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

Hi Elizabeth! This is simply adorable! I love the repurposed knobs - so clever! I am featuring this today; stop by and grab a featured button if you like. Thanks so much for joining the Sunday Showcase Party. I greatly appreciate it. Hope you have a fabulous week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

Leslie said...

What a FABULOUS idea! I love this cute project! Thanks for linking up to Hoo's got talent!

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said...

Another unique idea! Cute!

Thanks for linking up with me for Friday Favorites!

Tarah said...

Those are cool and it reminded me of a friend's house that we visited a month ago. They also designed the door knobs like what you did and I just like it. One of the things that you can personalized.

Moving Companies

Michelle said...

So how this tic tac toe knobs work? Will it open different doors or just one door? I want to know more about it since I'm in business venture right now and want to add this tutorial to my how to my "how to start a business" campaign.

Unknown said...

I just read your blog and found it very interesting to see your ideas.
I found this website which might be helpful for some of your make-at-home crafts.
Take a look at www.mag-print.co.uk to see if they have anything which is of any use to you in your craft activities.

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