Usually, on Sunday I post a kids' craft tute of whatever craft we managed to create, but today was so full that we didn't have time for our usual Sunday kids' craft. We started making a Little House on the Prairie cabin birthday cake. It's going to be a bit ambitious for me. My soon-to-be five year old wants a costume party with a Little House on the Prairie cake. This may be the most eclectic birthday party ever. A few months ago I managed to make a dog house cake, so I'm hoping to use a similar process for the cabin. First step . . . make a 5 x 9 cake and a 8 x 8 cake . . . done and in the freezer. Both girls helped add ingredients and stir without complete chaos breaking loose . . . I consider this an incredible success!
So . . . no Sunday kids' craft tonight, but we had a day full of creating . . . a fully wonderful day!
Craft on!
One Thanksgiving we literally had a Little House on the Prairie meal. If you could research what the Ingalls family did for birthdays, you might get some inspiration. On one Christmas when the girls were young, we put tiny gifts on each plate on the dinner table, just like Ma had done one Christmas. (I actually made a file in my recipes: Little House in the Big Woods Thanksgiving meal, and Little House Christmas Day meal, for quick reference.) There are many ideas you could glean from the books themselves. Can't wait to see the results of your daughter's LHPCT birthday party. Phew! What a mouthful! *wink*
Sounds like you have had some incredibly fun holidays at your house! I will definitely keep that in mind for next Christmas. We always watch one of the Little House Christmas episodes, so that would go perfectly.
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