Wednesday, June 2, 2010

the transformation of the magnet and can lid

Okay, I know it's June - June 2 to be exact.  I know I'm supposed to reveal my seventh craft till Christmas.  (I'm pretty excited about it, and I can't wait to share it with you.)  I know I haven't even officially wrapped up my eighth craft till Christmas.  (I do have my mail bag tute almost ready to share.) And I blame all of these delays on Fawnda and Jeannine of Fireflies and Jellybeans and their addicting Iron Craft Challenge.  They've challenged readers to create a unique craft with a secret ingredient.  For this round of the challenge the secret ingredient . . . wait for it . . . cans. 

Every time I see a soda can, a can of black beans or mushrooms, a baking soda can, any can at all, the only thing I can think about is, "What can I turn that into?"  So I have two more can-related things to post about.  And then I'm promising myself (and you) to put cans behind me and move on to the goal at hand . . . after all, Christmas is only seven months away.  There are gifts to be made.   

But for now, back to cans.

Today, we're going to turn those ugly old magnets on your fridge (everyone has them . . . you know the magnets from the bank, the medical clinic, the take-out place down the street that you never go to) into unique, personal, cute and useful magnets. 

Beside those magnets, grab:
-scraps of scrapbook paper and card stock
-other random scrapbook embellishments you have left over
-glue, glue-dots and a glue gun
-and . . . can lids from the cans in your recycling bin*
*Thanks to Jill at Creating My Way to Success for pointing out that I use a safe-edge can opener that removes the entire lid (including the rim) to create safe edges on both the lid and can that are not sharp.  This would not be a good project for lids that are removed with a top-open can opener.  If you don't have one of these, I totally recommend getting one.  They are easier, safer and more hygienic than traditional can openers.  (Plus, you can use them for fun crafts like this :) . . . bonus!)  

Isn't that great?  Only four things and you probably have them all on hand.  This couldn't be easier!

1)  Trace your can lids onto the paper or picture you will use for the background.

2)  Cut out circles and trim a bit to fit into can lid.  Paper would probably stay because the rim holds it in a bit, but to secure it use a few glue dots to affix paper to can lid.

3)  Embellish with other items.

4)  If your magnets are larger than the can lid, cut them to fit the lid.  Hot glue magnets to back of lid.  (Make sure you are not hot gluing the magnetized side of the magnet.)

5)  Ta Da!  Ready for display on your fridge!

Craft on!


Jeannette said...

Very cute! Good luck!

Melissa said...

Always a satisfying project - I've done a variety of variations on these over the years - I am not sure why but it is just the most satisfying project.

Melissa said...

Hey this can be your seventh thing I've done is punched a hole in these and use them for gift tags and or ornaments...

Jill said...

Ha Ha! You'll never look at a can in the same way again! I think you have a different tin opener to me, as our lids come off with sharp edgea all around rather than a rim! Great idea though! Maybe I'll do it with Jam Jar lids instead! :)

Company EIGHT said...

they turned out darling! I'm a juice can lid fanatic myself!!

Mrs. Kelley Dibble said...

Cuuuute! Say, my laptop was mended and en route home from the hospital. "Lefty"-- that's me-- is home too and doing well!

Erin said...

Very cute! And you're right, so much cuter than the Dr./pizza/Chinese food place magnets.

FeltLikeStitchin said...

What a fun idea!

Anonymous said...

Very cute and crafty! Thanks for linking up @PonyTails&FishScales!

Unknown said...

Following you now, come follow me and say hi :)
Happy Friday Follow!

Unknown said...

GREAT IDEA!!!!! I always have those kind of magnets!! Now I know what I will be doing with them!!! I can't WAIT!!!

BTW...I am following from Trendy Treehouse..will you come follow me??...

Diane said...

Cute, cute magnet idea. TFS.

I came here via Fun Friday Finds. Hope you can visit me sometimes over at Pittypat Paperie.

Kelley said...

Genius! This would be a great summer project for the kids... keep them busy and clean off my fridge!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I love this idea! I'm thinking they would make great decorations for wrapped gifts too. I'm here from trendy treehouse btw, so cute, I'm a new follower! Can't wait to see what else you've got in store. Come visit me if you get a sec :) Happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

Super cute! Following you from FF!


Sachiko said...

Very cute idea! Thank you for sharing!

Anonymous said...

I featured you @PonyTails&FishScales! Thanks for linking up and grab an I ROCK button from my blog!...but you already have one right?!

Bonnie @ House of Grace said...

I am following you from Sunday Showcase Party!!! Nice to meet you. I am your newest follower.

Jen said...

Following you from The Girl Creative! Such a neat idea! I will definitely try making this! I am needing some fun magnets to go in my craft room, and this would be perfect! Thank you so much for sharing! :0)

Anonymous said...

Very cute project.

Lori said...

Great idea! I have one of those openers and always throw the lids out! I'll have to keep them from now on. Can't have too many pics of your kids on the fridge, IMO!

Erin @ Crafts and Sutch said...

Those are precious! I love the letter "E" one because my name is Erin. I just might have to make me one. :)

Have a super week, and stop by when you get a chance to take a peek at what I've been up to.

Erin :)

robin said...

I save the lids off our frozen consentrated orange juice....and now I know what to do with them! I have about a 100 of them since I knew, just knew I'd find an awesome craft for them lol!

Stephanie Lynn @Under the Table and Dreaming said...

These turned out adorable! These would make such a fun gift! Thanks so much for linking to the Sunday Showcase party! I greatly appreciate it! Hope you have a fabulous week! ~ Stephanie Lynn

Unknown said...

Cute idea!

Kari said...

I love these! What a neat idea! Thanks so much for sharing! said...

These are fantastic and such a great way to recycle can lids! I think I may have to try this one day!

April said...

So cute!

Mandy Beyeler said...

Thanks for linking on Take-a-Look Tuesday, I featured you today! - - Mandy,

Anonymous said...

Love this idea. i think I might make some for my fridge.

Would love to have you link up at my blog!


Gretchen Seefried said...

I LOVE this project! I am now a new follower and can't wait to check out the rest of your crafty and perky projects! You should come over to my website and link up your projects in some of the Flocks...."Crazy For Christmas, Crafty Mamas, Perky Blogging Mamas! It is a great way to get some link love and would love to have you!

Val said...

I love this idea....

fiberdoodles said...

Too cute! I need one of these ;0)

Rose :: said...

oh, these are excellent! When it spells E.A.S.Y. + IS ABOUT RECYCLING ANYTHING, we're looking. Great idea!! Thanks for linking it up at Fine Craft Guild DIY Linky Party.

Do join again with an equally great tutorial next party, will ya? It opens Wednesday and you can reach it from our homepage.


amieggs said...

wow this is an awsome idea!!!!

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