A blog I read faithfully (actually, I read every blog I follow faithfully - which may be why I'm getting less and less sleep) is Mommy of a Monster. Yesterday she linked up to Mama Kat's Writers' Workshop with a list of ten things that put a smile on her face when she's not happy. Her list was good for my soul . . . like cold water on a hot day. As you know if you read Tuesday's True Confession, I've been taken over by sadness this week . . . not a lot of smiling going on in the lip region of my face, so this exercise is just what I need to remind myself how to smile.
Ten things that have made me smile this week even though I'm not happy:
1) My youngest daughter still sleeps in her crib - mostly because if she didn't I would worry for her safety. She has no fear. We learned while on vacation that she will get out of bed and wander around doing who knows what in the middle of the night when everyone else is sleeping, so she has earned herself a ticket to sleeping in a crib until she's sixteen . . . maybe thirteen is she's lucky. Anyway, I can't help but smile every single morning when I walk in her room, and she quickly covers her head (not her feet or the rest of her body - just her head) with her blanket and screams, "I'm hiding Mama! Come find me!" I honestly think that she thinks she is hiding and I don't know where she is. And did I mention she does this EVERY MORNING? Hilarious!
2) Sewing the head upside down onto the body of my most recent project. Now come on . . . that's funny stuff.
3) This picture of two beauties and a great dad who loves to play dress up because his daughters love to play dress up.
4) Creating, dreaming, thinking deeply . . .
5) Seeing the pride on my oldest daughter's face when she learned to use the brakes on her bike.
6) A bright green tree on the background of a vibrant blue sky.
7) An e-mail from a friend who just gets me.
8) An old song that's new to me . . . The Valley Song.
9) My daughter saying, "I love you mommy - the whole wide world!"
10) The belief that someday everything that is wrong with this world will be made right again . . . someday soon, I hope.
Homemade Pumpkin Spice Irish Cream Cocktail
5 months ago
Came over from Mama Kat's to say hi! And the project sewn upside down made me smile!
Lovely post!!! And that cat ...... hahaha you just made my day
Oh, the cat made me laugh. I've done that kind of thing and wondered where my mind was when I did it. LOL! Lovely post. Your little one hiding each morning is so sweet and a dad that plays dress-up is pretty sweet, too. :-)
I could totally see myself doing this. hahaha! New follower. visiting from Tatertots and Jello. love your bracelets. ~MakazHome.com
Your #1 is great! Thanks for sharing
Just came over from Tatertots...you are very crafty and amazing!! :)
Love the picture of your husband playing dress up with your daughters. Precious!
wandered over from Tatertots as well... I know why you're so sad, your husband is wearing a Hawkeye shirt, if he had a Cyclone one on you'd be happier!!! :) Fellow Iowa (Stater) here! Love your blog!
What a great list! Adorable picture of your family!
just popping in from Tatertots...love the bracelets!
i also adore this post. i host a weekly linky party for my Happy List...it's every weekend and it IS good for the soul to list the things that make you happy...great way to start or end a week. your list is lovely, come join in if you want, i would love to have ya!
I'm glad that you are seeing the rainbow...
I love the list...but #s 2 and 9 are my favorites! My son tells me "I love you to the stars and the sun and the moon and the sky"...melts my heart everytime :)
Thanks for the shout out! I'm glad my list made you feel a bit better!
Just found your blog through The Girl Creative. I went back and read Tuesdays post and totally started crying. I can totally see why you aren't happy. I applaud your efforts to see the good in things, especially in your kids and family when your heart just isn't in it. I totally get this!! I have so many sad days but I stay positive for them because THEY make me happy. Good for you! Great blog! I'll come back and read more, thanks!
What a great list. And how encouraging to find the good even when you don't feel like it. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts and feelings this week.
And I LOVE the kitty with the upside down head. ;)
Thank you for this post....am already a fan of that pink back-headed cat...it really made me laugh out loud. am very clumsy in anything to do with craft am dreading the day my boy starts schooling:)really enjoyed reading you post. Following you. hope you return the favor;0
Hi Elizabeth! Just wanted to pop over to say I LOVED your bracelet tutorial over at Tatertots and Jello!!! I thanked Jen, and forgot to thank YOU!!! (Bad Beansie!)... Well, have a Happy 4th of July Weekend! I hear the temps are on the rise, and a heatwave is on the way, so I'm going to try to get whatever baking done today, that I can fit in while conditions are still comfortable! ~tina (P.S. "The Valley Song"? I'm going to have to look that up!)
Hey Elizabeth. Just came from Someday Crafts linky party...
I am hosting a month long Christmas in July event. Today is my very first linky party and I would love for you to link up ANY of your great Christmas gift projects.
Please come on by I would just love it.
Just Another Day in Paradise
I love number six just cause blue and green are so much my favorite color combo.
Ew...I don't know if I can comment on the blog of a Hawkeye fan. :)
Are you from Iowa? I'm just north of Ames! And I'm here from New Friend Friday at Trendy Treehouse!
Katie @ On the Banks of Squaw Creek
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