Today I don't feel like being funny, sarcastic or overly dramatic about ants. I don't feel like confessing something trite and insignificant. If that's the kind of true confession you are looking for today, come back next Tuesday. I'll have one of those confessions for you then. But today's confession isn't going to make you laugh, chuckle or even smile because today all I have to confess is that I feel like being sad . . . not the kind of sad where you are a little "blue" and don't feel like smiling at someone when you pass them on the street; rather, I feel like being the kind of sad where you sit in a dark room and cry all day until there are no more tears to cry and all you feel is numb. I can't do that, of course. All I can do is confess in my blog - a blog that is usually reserved for happy, joyful, creative and sometimes funny moments in my life - that all I want to "do" today is be sad, cry and hurt.
Two friends - two amazing people - who struggled for too long to conceive finally did after trying almost everything. Almost six months ago they heard the doctor say, "You're pregnant!" And it was the best news they could ever imagine hearing. Six months of check ups and ultrasounds and good reports led them to believe that they would be bringing home their precious baby girl in a little more than three months. This week that precious baby girl was born into the world too early to survive more than a few minutes in her loving mother's arms. And all they want to do is cry. And that's all I want to do today too. I can't, but I needed someone to know - or a group of someones to know that that's what I want to do and that's exactly what I'm doing on the inside.
So, if you are someone who prays, pray for two people whose hearts are aching for the beautiful daughter that they don't get to put in the car seat that was delivered a few weeks ago or dress in the clothes that have been carefully placed in the closet. Pray for a mom and a dad who love their little girl more than words can say. Just pray.
**The following song was meaningful to two other friends who said good-bye to their infant daughter last summer. I thought of it again this week when I heard of this loss, and I'm sharing it because there might be someone in your life to whom the words of this song might speak to in the midst of their own loss or sadness.
Homemade Pumpkin Spice Irish Cream Cocktail
6 months ago
Just go ahead and cry....I am. This story is very similar to one I heard just the other day. I will definitely pray for them, for my Lord is the only one who can truely comfort them during this time.
That's very sad and upsetting, you have a right to be upset. Real blogs aren't all happy just like people aren't always happy.
I came by to tell you I gave you a blog award but I understand that this is not a good time. Just ignore it till you are ready.
my heart (along with my prayers) goes out to them and to you also. Some days are just sad days.
My heart aches for you and for best friend had a baby boy at 6 months on fathers day 11 years ago that did not live and I remember hiding under the covers in bed feeling exactly like that ...somedays you just have to cry and thats ok.
I understand your feelings. A good friend just lost her granddaughter to cancer and she was just a child. Our hearts ache and so sometimes the day to day isn't even enjoyable....we are just sad and that's okay. Letting others know is just fine. Life isn't always perfect. I'll add your friends and their family to my prayers. :-)
I am crying with you now. It is so devastating to learn of little ones that don't get to spend more time on this earth. I am so sorry.
This is heartbreaking. My thoughts are with you today and I will pray for your friends.
Therefore we do not give up; even though our outer person is being destroyed, our inner person is being renewed day by day.
2 Corinthians 4:16
This just makes my heart hurt for this family and for you. My heart and prayers are with you all.
I'm so sorry! My heart breaks for your prayers are with you all.
My heart aches for your friends and I wish them peace in the coming days.
That was a very beautiful sad song. all those poor babies and families... it makes my heart hurt for all of them =(
So sorry to hear this. I will be praying for them and for you also. They are lucky to have a friend like you who is there for them.
In 1994, I went through the same thing as them. I will definitely keep them in my thoughts. One day it will comfort them to know you cried right along with them. <3
Lamento imenso!
Devias chorar. Chorar lava a alma!
I'll pray and cry with you from here...
my heart is hurting for this family's loss. i will be praying for peace and comfort for everyone.
this is very sad, hopefully they will try again and it will happen for them. Don't hold it inside, just rent a very sad movie and let it out. This happened to someone very close to me too, last November, so I know what you must be going through right now. I'll be praying for you and for them too.
Grief is a gift if we let it be.
Hugs to you, and to your friends for their loss.
Elizabeth, this is so sad. I am so sorry for your friends' terrible loss. I cannot imagine what they must be feeling. I will keep them in my prayers and close to my heart. Thank you for sharing this with us.
You are an empath....that means that you feel other people's pain and that is what makes you special...You take it to heart because you have such a big hear and a big enough heart to share their story will all of us....
Sending you all good thought and prayers...You are a dear person...hugs to you for being so sensitive, caring, and kind....
Oh, Elizabeth, I meant to say you have a big heart. (The "t" was left off.)
And you are an inspiration to others with open feelings and the ability to put it into words that everyone can feel...
You are a blessing.
Thanks so much for sharing. I was looking thru your blog looking at crafts and saw this. We to lost our baby girl last April 9th, and the video was very touching to my heart. I am so sorry for your friends. Yes, I will pray for them, you are a sweet friend. and I love to talk about my baby girl as they probably want to talk about their baby as well. I would like to share with you my baby girls blog that I made and also a video my brother made for her.
and her blog is:
Thanks so much for sharing. I was looking thru your blog looking at crafts and saw this. We to lost our baby girl last April 9th, and the video was very touching to my heart. I am so sorry for your friends. Yes, I will pray for them, you are a sweet friend. and I love to talk about my baby girl as they probably want to talk about their baby as well. I would like to share with you my baby girls blog that I made and also a video my brother made for her.
and her blog is:
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