Okay, I was totally blown away by the response to last week's confession. Can you believe that there are more bed-leavers than bed-makers? I honestly thought that I was a lone sheep wandering in the wilderness of messy beds. I also have to admit that I felt a little inspired by those who do make their beds, and so . . . wait for it . . . I made my bed and my daughters' beds once last week! (Oh how I wish I would have taken a picture of such a rare moment in history!) Let's not focus on the fact that I made the beds because we had a window inspector go through the house last week, and I felt somehow obligated to make it look like we are bed-makers. Let's focus on the fact that I MADE THE BEDS! (On a side note, why do I care what a complete stranger thinks about my messy beds? Hmmm . . . I'm going to have to spend sometime contemplating that one.)
Now, on to a different topic . . . this week's confession . . . I'm slightly obsessed with blogging - reading, writing, crafting so I can then blog about the crafting. There I said it. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one. I'm guessing one or two of you reading this right now are teetering with me on the edge of obsession.
It started innocently enough . . . I wanted to start a little blog for friends and family to read in order to keep myself accountable to my homemade Christmas goal. I thought maybe ten - at most - of my closest friends and family would read along and keep my feet to the fire. But then I got sucked in. I started reading and following other blogs. I started posting on my own blog almost daily. Then . . . people I didn't even know started reading my blog, and I started referring to my bloggy friends in conversations with my husband.
--Here's how those conversations go . . . Me: Well, a friend of mine said . . . Husband: Is this a real friend or someone you met through your blog? Me: Uhm . . . someone I met through my blog. Husband: That doesn't count. Me: Sure it does . . . bloggy people can be friends too. Husband: sigh--
My point is that I'm in too deep. And my ever so patient husband finally said this the other day, "If you are going to spend so much time doing this, could you at least support our family with it?"
And I said, "I don't know . . . can you support our family by watching football?" Okay, I didn't really say that because, truth be told, he spends way less time watching football than I do crafting and blogging . . . like I said, he's a pretty patient guy.
But he did have a point . . . I could at least try to use the thing I love to buy a yard of fabric so that I can do more of the thing I love. So I'm starting . . . I'm starting to venture into the sponsorship and etsy gig . . . I'm starting VERY slowly . . . snails' pace slow. Maybe by Christmas I'll be able to buy a yard of fabric AND a roll of shiny ribbon. I can always dream, right?!
Yep . . . I'm definitely obsessed. What about you?
Confess on!
Homemade Pumpkin Spice Irish Cream Cocktail
6 months ago