Heads Up, Seven Up
Red Rover, Red Rover
Freeze Tag
I Spy
Simon Says
Button, Button, Who's Got the Button

And I'm posting today to say that my favorite childhood game is no longer "Button, Button, Who's Got the Button" because 4 x 5 piece of stiff pellon has driven me to madness! Last week I cut out four 4 x 5 inch rectangles to make fabric postcards. I made one and then got distracted with fabric stationery with every intention of coming back to the postcards. And I did. I made two more postcards with the fabric for the fourth one cut out and ready to go, but my last of these little buggers is missing. This stuff was one of my crafty splurges (that's code for it was bloomin' expensive), and I am DETERMINED to find it! I've asked the three other players - husband, Peanut and Monkey. I've turned my house upside down. I've looked through fabric piles. I've even rummaged through the garbage, and I don't have a clue where it could be.
Aaaarrrrgggg! Where could it be?
What have you lost lately? Please someone tell me I'm not alone in this madness!
i keep losing my glasses....and this morning i had no idea where my bra was...or where was i when i took it off!!!
I take my mind to the last place I was when I used said lost item. Sometimes it works; sometimes it doesn't. The last thing I lost was the camera charger- left it in one of umpteen hotel rooms or it fell off the luggage rack and out of my briefcase... Not. Had to order another. My sweetie ordered me two. He's so nice: one for my briefcase; one for "home."
usually things only appear when we stop to look for them!! So...stop!!! lol
As portuguese I have another tool: o responso de santo antónio! (no idea how to translate this. It is a litany that we pray to saint anthony for the missing things to appear. usually works!)
ooh, I hate when I can't find stuff...it IS maddening! I love Heads Up, 7up...but what is Button, button? I am assuming it is just what it sounds like! LOL
it seems the older I get, the more things I lose and I don't like looking for things...at all. It really drives me nuts when I have to look for something.
By the way, thanks for stopping by and visiting me.
I'm so gald I'm not the only one! I've stopped looking for a little while - hoping it will just show up.
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