My eyes are watering.
My nose is running.
My chest is full of gunk.
My throat is raw.
My head is pounding.
Yep . . . I'm sick. I hate being sick. (And I never use the "h" word. It's a strong word reserved only for rare moments.)
While I could leave my confession at that, being sick has given me the opportunity to learn something about myself that I'm going to confess to you today. I think I've known it for a long time, but a moment of drug induced clarity (Is it possible for Sudafed to bring clarity?) has made it impossible to avoid.
By nature, I'm a skeptical person. I won't go into how I came to be this way, but I am slow to believe anything unless I've experienced it, seen it or researched it. My skepticism drives my husband nuts because whenever he tells me something, I usually say something like:
"Are you sure?"
"Did someone tell you that or did you see it for yourself?"
"Hmm . . . that sounds fishy. I'm going to have to look into that."
"I don't know if I believe that."
My point is that in the midst of my complete skepticism about almost anything, today I watched the infomercial channel (Did I mention that I was in a drug induced state?) for about an hour. I only let myself watch two infomercials - one about a hair care product and one about make up. I watched and I was mesmerized.
Maybe, just maybe if I had that hair care system, my hair could look like silk and flutter in the wind like butterfly wings. And maybe, just maybe I could spend only 5 minutes on my make-up every day and have flawless, younger looking skin too.
Yep, in the midst of all my skepticism, I confess that I believed that I too can look like the models/actresses in their very early 20s featured on these shows if I could just get my hands on those magical products.
Thankfully, when I picked up the phone to dial, I remembered that I'm skeptical about ordering things over the phone and giving my personal billing information to a stranger. Unbridled, drug induced weakness barely avoided . . . thank goodness.
Hopefully, I feel better tomorrow . . . I'm not sure I'll be able to resist another infomercial.
How about you? Are you a skeptic? Have you ever purchased something from an infomercial? ;)
Confess on!
Homemade Pumpkin Spice Irish Cream Cocktail
6 months ago
I'm skeptical that you are skeptical.
I'll have to look into it further.
More evidence please.
Frankly, I don't even believe that you are sick. Doctor's note please in your next post.
ah, the "h" word - at the table one of the kids said they heard dad say the "h" word - he thought maybe he had read scriptures to them and was starting to say how the "h" word isn't bad when it refers to a place in context or something - I stopped him to explain she probably meant she heard him say the h-a-t-e word. I love that my kids are sheltered enough for that to be a bad word! I'm sure the sheltering won't last long...
so funny!!!
no, I am not skeptical. But, no, i also do not buy from infomercials! ;)
I do love Jocelyn's comment, though!
So, my advice is:
lighten up, but don't be a sucker. Ah... it all goes back to balance! ;)
get well soon!
I'm not afraid to admit it, I am skeptical. There. I said it.
Ok. Loved the post and loved Jocelyn's comment!! Too funny.
I haven't bought anything from an infomercial - but I did go find something I saw on in infomercial in that As Seen on TV store. ha.
It was a pasta pot with holes in the lid for straining. I love it!!! ;)
I sure hope you feel better soon!
i hope you feel better...i have been battling some kind of ick too and it makes it so hard to get anything else done.
Ooh, I hope you get feeling better. I also hate being sick (but I use the h word more readily, probably to the point that it has lost a large portion of its true meaning). And I laughed so hard because I have never thought of myself as being a big skeptic, but I say every one of your skeptical comments regularly!
I have purchased infomercial products... but only from the As Seen on TV section at Walmart. Unless you count Oxyclean, because that I buy from the regular laundry detergent shelf. I miss Billy Mays. :)
That is so funny! Yeah, I'm generally a skeptic...and I havne't bought anything from an infomercial. Hope you get to feeling better soon!
Ohhh, get feeling better! And seriously those infomercials have a way of doing that to ya! I remember feeling fat after having my oldest and seeing Daisy Fuentes advertise Pilates and I *had* to get it because I was SO sure I would look like that. Fast forward---no I don't! Ha!
I am not a skeptic, and if I had endless money I would own every "Seen on TV" item there is!! I have bought the Firm after watching their info-mercial, I had the hand held seller thingy (can't remember the name of it). I have tried those spinning hair brushes (they don't work!)I want that chopper thing that can chop concrete, and who hasn't tried oxi-clean?!
I am not a skeptic, and if I had endless money I would own every "Seen on TV" item there is!! I have bought the Firm after watching their info-mercial, I had the hand held seller thingy (can't remember the name of it). I have tried those spinning hair brushes (they don't work!)I want that chopper thing that can chop concrete, and who hasn't tried oxi-clean?!
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