Sunday, January 23, 2011

welcome to blog spa: take care of your skin giveaway

Wouldn't it be great if we could all pencil in a day at the spa together?  We could finally meet face to face and chat over manicures, gab during facials and giggle in the midst of pedicures. 

Hmm . . . that would have to one pretty big spa!

Well, since we can't do that, Bev (of Flamingo Toes fame) and I want to welcome you to Blog Spa . . . you've spent a year taking care of others, making gifts for others, doing for others . . . this week is about taking care of you.  We will be offering our own tips and tutorials plus giveaways from some great shops. 

So stop by every morning this week for a great giveaway and every evening for a spa tip or tutorial.   

To start off our Blog Spa I want to introduce you to a great Etsy store . . . Skin Journey.  Skin Journey provides a line of quality spa products for body and facial care.   

Plus, I love that Skin Journey carries sample/travel sizes as well so that you can try out a variety of products to see which one you like before you commit to a full-size product AND then get your fav products in travel sizes . . . woohoo. 

To kick off Blog Spa, we are giving away a Basic Facial Care Set from Skin Journey.

Basic Facial Care Set from Skin Journey

First entry:
~Tell me about your skin care routine.

Leave a comment for each extra entry:
~Be or become a twelve crafts follower . . . and PLEASE don't just follow for the giveaway and then unfollow once the giveaway is over.  I know that might sound rude, but seriously, if you don't want to follow, don't . . . I won't be mad.  There are other ways to enter.
~Be or become a follower of the Flamingo Toes.
~Visit Skin Journey and let me know your favorite product.
~Heart that product on Etsy (add it to favorites).
~Heart the shop on Etsy (add it to favorites).
~Let me know if you have our cute Blog Spa button up on your blog.

Blog Spa on!

Blog Spa is sponsored by these great shops:
Amber's Lemongrass Spa Shop


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Sarah said...

i don't do much - just wash my face with water! i could probably use something else and would love to try this stuff!

laurawilson25 said...

I use avon skin cream after my shower. I probably should do more, but I'm lazy. :(

laurawilson25 said...

I follow you through my google reader.

laurawilson25 said...

I also follow Flamingo Toes (where I heard about this giveaway) through my Google Reader.

Jessica@SewHomegrown said...

Well, I use mineral makeup - which in and of itself is good for your face. I also use an organic moisturizer with vitamins and minerals in it (I bought it at TJMaxx for super cheap!) Thanks for the chance to win - I'm a massage therapist, and so I think blog spa week is a great idea!

Unknown said...

OMG! I haven't a skin routine! I wash with Aveeno face wash in the shower. I have not found a decent eye cream or hydrating product. I'm up to anything! Thanks for hosting this giveaway! 8>)

Unknown said...

I have been a follower of yours for a while ! 8>)

Unknown said...

I have also been a follower of Flaming Toes. 8>)

Unknown said...

I would love to try the Anti-aging Firming product. 8>)

Kiera said...

my skin routine...wash my face in the shower with an oil of olay knock off brand and moisturize with some lotion with some spf....end of story...

Kiera said...

I am a follower of yours already....and am so excited about this spa week!

Unknown said...

Not much is done, I wash my face in the shower with either dove, Biore, or just plain water. On the days I don't shower I still rinse my face off withwarm water.

Unknown said...

I've been a follower for a while now. :)

Unknown said...

I've also been a follower of Bev's at Flamingo Toes.

Kiera said...

just became a follower of Flamingo Toes...and just got lost on her blog for awhile...

Kiera said...

just became a follower of Flamingo Toes...and got lost on her blog for awhile...

Unknown said...

I added the shop to my favorites. I wish I could try all their products.

Unknown said...

My favorite product of theirs that I would like to try is Microdermabrasion Facial Scrub- with shea butter, alpha hydroxy acids, renew old skin cells. My face needs a pick me up. :)

Unknown said...

I also added the Microdermabrasion Facial Scrub- with shea butter, alpha hydroxy acids, renew old skin cells to my favorites.

Kristina Stone said...

I am a follower of your blog

Kristina Stone said...

I follow Flamingo Toes too!

Kristina Stone said...

I wash my face with Aveeno in the morning and at night. During the day I wear lotion with SPF in it and at night I have a night lotion-Murad brand. Since I'm preggers, my skin has been going crazy and nothing seems to be working. I'm so excited about this giveaway!!!

Mindy said...

I just started using proactive.. not because I have break out... but because I thought I should start some sort of routine. HA!

Kathleen said...

My skin is SO dry I use Eucerin cream in the morning under my foundation.

Kathleen said...

I am your follower! :)

Kathleen said...

I also follow Flamingo Toes! :)

Kathleen said...

I just added Skin Journey to my etsy favorites!

Kathleen said...

I like the Avocado and Chamomile Facial Cleanser. Right now I don't use anything and it says it's gentle on the skin. Sounds great!

Kathleen said...

I've got your Spa button on my blog! :)

Janet said...

moisturize, moisturize, moisturize...that's my facial routine.

Janet said...

I follow on blogger

Janet said...

I'm a flamingo toes follower too

Janet said...

the Squalane Body Oil looks really site...and I love the idea of sample size.

Hands Sew Full said...

My mother had the softest skin I have ever felt and she was a long time Oil of Olay user. I have tried many different types, but the whole routine thing is just beyond my time management skills! So, I wash my face in the shower with Oil of Olay facial wash and then moisturize my eye area with their eye serum and the rest of my face gets the Total Effects Moisturizer. That is it! I hope my skin stays as soft as Moms was!

Debby said...

I wash my face most of the time with just water. I use Clinique lotion of Olay of Olay. Sometimes at night I use vaseline at night around my eyes. I have a friend that used it all over her face at night and she has no wrinkles. I am needing a change. I would like to try the Tropical hydrating lotions.

Debby said...

I follow Twelve Crafts.

Debby said...

I follow Bev at Flamingo Toes

Grace said...

How fun! Well, my skin routine is rather simple...I wash my face with Burt's Bees facial wash, apply rosewater toner, and rosewater lotion!:)

Thanks for hosting!

Grace said...

Of course, I'm a follower! I LOVE your blog!

Grace said...

I also follow Flamingo Toes.

Lynn said...

I am a follower of your blog.

Lynn said...

I recently discovered Murad skin care and it works very well for those with acne prone skin.

Lynn said...

I follow Flamingo Toes.

Rachael @ The Little Birdie said...

My skin care routine totally sucks... I have a hodge podge of products, none of which I really like all that much. And, running after a baby all the time just doesn't leave Mommy with the time she needs to take care of her face!! ;)

Rachael @ The Little Birdie said...

I'm a follower of your blog!! xoxo

Rachael @ The Little Birdie said...

I'm also a follower of Flamingo toes!! :)

Shasta Looper said...

First I use baby oil to remove all eye makeup. Probably not the best thing to use, but it is cheap. Then I use Burt's Bees Radiance facial cleanser with royal jelly. Next, I tone with Clean/Clear toner and follow with Johnson and Johnson moisturizer. I'm a drugstore girl. Love this idea!!

Shasta Looper said...

I'm a follower of Twelve Crafts.

Rachael @ The Little Birdie said...

I have your button up on my blog AND I blogged about the spa week when Flamingo toes announced it! :)


Shasta Looper said...

I'm a follower of Flamingo Toes!

Rachael @ The Little Birdie said...

I "heart" SkinJourney on etsy! :)

Rachael @ The Little Birdie said...

I would love to try the Detox Clay and Milk Masque... sounds like it feels SOOO good!!

Rachael @ The Little Birdie said...

I "heart" the Detox Clay and Milk Masque on etsy!

Laura said...

I follow 12 crafts.

Shasta Looper said...

I love the Republic of China soaps! There is nothing like homemade soap!

Shasta Looper said...

I "hearted" the shop on ESTY!

Laura said...

I love all the body scrub.

Unknown said...

I use Clinique acne line of products. I love it but its pretty pricey so it would be great to try something else.

Unknown said...

I follow Flamingo Toes too!

Unknown said...

I'd love to try Skin Journey's Detox Clay and Milk Masque

Stephanie said...

I usually just wash my face with water, and sometimes I use some body wash, but not often because it would dry out my skin. Then I put some olay lotion on my face. Very very rarely, I have been known to do a mask, lol.

Stephanie said...

I am a new follower, can't wait to check out your blog some more!

Stephanie said...

I am a follower of Flamingo Toes

Kristen said...

Lotion, lotion, lotion! That's my trick!

kristen.walker106 at

Kristen said...

I follow you!

kristen.walker106 at

Kristen said...

I follow Flamingo Toes!

kristen.walker106 at

Kristen said...

I hearted skin journey's shop on etsy!

kristen.walker106 at

Kristen said...

I'd love to try to detox clay and milk mask.

kristen.walker106 at

Mindy said...

I'm a loyal Twelve Crafts follower. :) Thank you for the opportunity!

Mindy said...

I'm a loyal Flamingo Toes follower. :) Thanks again!

Mindy said...

My goodness that Peruvian Chocolate/Shea Butter soap looks decadent and lovely.

Mindy said...

Oops, I missed the first entry, which is to tell about my skin care routine. I wash my face daily in the morning shower (I don't wear makeup, other than a little mascara now and then, so I don't wash my face in the evenings). I use Aveeno Active naturals clear complexion cream cleanser and after my shower I use Aveeno Active Naturals Positively Radiant Moisturizer. It's SPF 15. If I am going to be outside all day (I work in Parks and Recreation), I use an additional moisturizing sunscreen.

Mindy said...

I favorited the Peruvian Chocolate-Shea Butter Cold Process Soap on Etsy.

Mindy said...

I favorited Skin Journey on Etsy.

L.A. said...

I wash my face with Angels on Bareskin facial scrub and then follow up with eau Roma water toner. I finish with a good slathering of Skins Shangri La, an uber moisturizing facial cream. All my products are from Lush handmade cosmetics!

L.A. said...

I follow Bev at flamingo toes!

L.A. said...

You bet I have your button!!!!!
Check it out!

Hannah said...

My skin care routine is non-exsistant. I wash with soap and water and then put on a mosturiser.

Hannah said...

I'm a 12 crafts follower!

Hannah said...

I'm a Flamingo Toes follower!

Hannah said...

I would like to try the Caribbean soap, I love great soap and I never know what to do with all that fancy stuff.

Hannah said...

I hearted the Caribbean soap on Etsy

Hannah said...

I hearted Skin Journey on Etsy!

April said...

I wash my face with wash every night and just wipe it with a wash cloth in the am because my face is dry. I put on day lotion with spf in the am and night lotion at night-oh and I use astringent. I have combination skin so it's a mess!

April said...

I am already a follower of 12 Crafts!

April said...

I am already a follower of Flamingo Toes!

Amanda said...

I follow 12 Crafts Til Christmas!

Amanda said...

I follow flamingo toes!

Amanda said...

Most days I wake up and wash my face with a combo aging/blemish facewash. I use a repair lotion and sunscreen..every single one of my facial products is a different brand.Its taken me years to find specifically what works for my face! Sadly...there are some nights that I forget to wash off my make up and I wake up with raccoon eyes :/

Lydia said...

Ok, my skincare routine- I'm a woman who had good skin in high school and now has high school skin in her 30's- GRRRR. I wash with neutrogena cleanser morning and night and use (right now) YES TO CARROTS moisturizer. I wear no make-up except mascara because it seems to make things worse. I'm open to trying anything in the hopes it will help.

Lydia said...

I've been a follower for several months now, love all your great craft ideas!

Lydia said...

I visited Skin Journey- I'd love to try their Detox Clay and Milk Masque.

Annette W. said...

I wash my face every morning and night. I use lotion every morning (with spf) and at times at night...if I'm dry.

I also use body lotion daily...mostly my hands, also my legs.

Annette W. said...

I follow you!
derekannette at gmail dot com

And yes, I'd love a spa day...never had oen!

Terri. said...

For years I have used Neutrogena Extra Gentle Fash Wash and Neutrogena oil-free mositure (Sensitive Skin)everyday

Terri. said...

I already am a twelve crafts follower, Love your site!

Terri. said...

I already am a follower of Flamingo Toes

Irene Lenihan said...

I follow your blog with google reader.

Irene Lenihan said...

I made the Boston tea party soap my favorite. It sounds lucious.

Terri. said...

My product I would love to try is the Curacao, Netherlands Antilles Body Scrub (10oz) and Whipped Body Emulsion (9oz) Gift Set.

Irene Lenihan said...

I have been a follower of Flamingo Toes on Google reader for a while now. Great blog.

Terri. said...

I hearted my favorite product.

Terri. said...

I heart Skin Journey on Etsy

Unknown said...

My routine is to wash my face in the morning shower then put on moisturizing lotion and foundation with spf.

Unknown said...

I am a follower of 12 crafts!

Unknown said...

I add Skin Journey to my favorites on Etsy.

Unknown said...

I favorite would be the anti aging skin serum sample kit to try.

Anonymous said...

Im using a burts bees skin care line and I love how it feels and smells but I still break out like crazy so I would to try a new skin care line! Thanks,

Anonymous said...

I follow your blog and love it! thanks,

Anonymous said...

I follow Flamingo toes too! Thanks,

Anonymous said...

I would love to try the detox skin masque. Thanks,

Anonymous said...

I added the detox masque as my favorites! Thanks,

Anonymous said...

I added the shop as one of my favorites!

Chelsi said...

My skin care routine... Gets more complicated the older I get. I use whatever eye makeup remover that doesn't burn my eyes or give me dry, yucky skin around my eyes. I wash with Kirkland's facewash and moisturize with either Equate's version of Oil of Olay or Kirkland's in the morning, both with SPF. Kirkland eye cream day and night, and Kirkland night cream (at night, of course). And, I try to remember, once a week to do some sort of masque/exfoliating step. Hard to remember.

Chelsi said...

I'm a follower.

Jaclyn | One Thousand Oaks said...

Just wanted to say HI! Im new to your blog and semi new to Flamingo Toes. I am following both of your bogs, I think they are great! I visited skin journey and my favorite product is:Tropics of Hawaii Hydrating Body Scrub- 2 in 1 Exfoliating Moisturizer with Cocoa Butter and Avocado oil. (5oz) Ive added the shop and my favorite item to my favorites! I also have your Spa Blog button on my Blog page which you can find here:

Hope you will stop by and check it out =)
I look forward to reading all your tips for spa week!!

Jaclyn | One Thousand Oaks said...

My face is pretty picky about what I use on it, I would love to try some of skin journey's items. Most all natural stuff is very expensive but this stuff seems right in my price range and I love that they have sample and travel size. I can tell you how many times I have wasted my money on something that didn't work for me and then I'm left with this huge bottle! Thanks for introducing their etsy shop to me!

gilchrist said...

I pretty much wash my face in the shower and that is it so I guess it's not really a routine. I use Mary Kay products right now but would love to try something else.

lee_donna6802 at yahoo dot come

gilchrist said...

I follow Twelve Crafts!!

lee_donna6802 at yahoo dot com

gilchrist said...

I follow Flamingo Toes!!

lee_donna6802 at yahoo dot com

Morgan said...

Skincare routine? Well, it's probably the only time I use name-brand products, but it's just Dove soap and Olay lotion, and probably just every other day at that! Kids kind of get in the way of these things... ;)

Morgan said...

I follow Flamingo Toes via Google reader. :)

mamareese23 said...

I wash my face at night using Aveeno Clear Complexion foaming cleanser (LOVE THAT STUFF!) and when I have a breakout (which I still do at almost 30! :() I use the Aveeno Clear Complexion daily cleansing pads. I also rarely wear makeup. ;)

mamareese23 said...

Oh, and I am a loyal follower of 12 Crafts Till Christmas! (Via GFC)

mamareese23 said...

I also am a follower of Flamingo Toes!! :) I love both of y'alls blogs! So crafty!

mamareese23 said...

Added "Skin Journey" to my favorites on Etsy!

Morgan said...

Ok, and because I scrolled down and read the delish pumpkin recipe and feel I will get along well with your tastes, I now follow this blog too! :)

mamareese23 said...

I would love to try their Florida Keys Hydrating Body Scrub! It looks so lush... and sounds like it smells divine!

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

I use Peter Thomas Roth botanical buffing beads in the shower every morning and Philosophy face wash at night.

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

I follow 12 crafts.

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

And I follow flamingo toes.

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

I usually wash my face with facial cleanser when I shower/bathe at night (yep, I'm a night bather). Then, when in bed, I put on a night moisturizer.

Lyndee @ A Recovering Craft Hoarder said...

I am a follower of 12 Crafts.

Anonymous said...

I usually wash my face with hot water and a face soap every night.

Anonymous said...

I'm a twelve crafts follower.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Flamingo Toes follower.

Anonymous said...

I would love to try the Microdermabrasion Facial Scrub!
Thanks for hosting the giveaway!

Tammy said...

I try to wash my face with a facial scrub and water each night and then put on a moisturizer. Some nights I'm lazy and don't do anything...

Tammy said...

I'm a follower, and really enjoy it!

Tammy said...

I also follow flamingo toes.

Tammy said...

I think the anti aging kit would be great!

Sandi Linn Andersen said...

I would love to win this little giveaway. Oh, how I would love a day at the spa. :-)

Anonymous said...

I'm a happy follower! ~Sam

barneyn said...

i have the WORST routine! most days i dont even get to wash my face all day! when i do get to, i start with plucking my eyebrows, then i wash my face, then i moisturize.

nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

barneyn said...

follower of flamingo toes!

nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

barneyn said...

i heart the shop on etsy!

nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

barneyn said...

i would love to try the hydrating body scrub 2 in 1 with cocoa butter and avocado oil!

nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

barneyn said...

i added the body scrub to my favorites!

nelly dot barney at yahoo dot com

Amber said...

I am a follower of twelve crafts!

Amber said...

I am a follower of Flamingo Toes!

Amber said...

My favorite item at Skin Journey is the Avocado and Chamomile Facial Cleanser.

Amber said...

I added the item to my favorites.

Amber said...

I added Skin Journey to my favorites.

Patsy said...

What a great give away, and perfect time of the year to do it. The cold harsh weather is really getting my skin dry and rough. I do not have any real routine. Loved finding out about this etsy shop! Have a blessed day!

Tiffany said...

I don't have a skin routine for my face! I put lotion and that is all!!! :S

Tiffany said...

I'm already a twelve crafts follower! :DD

Tiffany said...

I'm already a flamingo toes follower. And I giggle ALL the time when i say that. flamingo toes.

Tiffany said...

Added the facial scrub to my favorites. looks like itd make me feel so nice and clean and soft. :D

rebecca said...

my routine is pretty easy. wash my face at night and put cream on and then in the morning just rinse with water and put spf on!
rwvanvoorhis at gmail dot com said...

wash with an everyday scrub type product in the morning and at night. Moisturize in the morning and night as well. said...

following you! said...

following FT too :) said...

just went to visit Skin Journey. I want one of everything!! If I had to pick it'd be the Garden of the Forbidden Gods soap or any of the body scrubs.

kyla said...

Wash my face, lotion, eye cream! That is it.

kyla said...

I am a follower.

Lisa J said...

I follow your blog. thanks for the chance to win.

Lisa J said...

wash with clean and clear, tone with neutrogena, eye cream by sheshido, moisturize by Fruit of the earth. the whole thing is ridiculous, I know. ;)

Unknown said...

I usually wash my face morning and night... and moisturizer then too. If I remember. :)

Unknown said...

I'm a twelve crafts follower... of course :)

Unknown said...

And I follow Flamingo Toes, too. Great blog :)

Anonymous said...

I wash my face with water in the mornings, after work I use Melaleuca face wash & astringent (but I no longer buy from them, this is my last bottle!), and before bed I use moisturizer.

If a problem spot or zit starts up, I also have a quick stick from one of the many big name make up companies that works pretty well. :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a follower of Twelve Crafts :)

Anonymous said...

I'm a Flamingo Toes follower, as well :)

Anonymous said...

A lot of their stuff looks awesome, but I think the "Bright Eyes Anti-Oxident Serum" is my favorite. For 23, I have horrible undereye circles and not much that I've tried has helped!

Anonymous said...

Added product to my Etsy Favorites!

Anonymous said...

& lastly, I favorited Skin Journey on Etsy :)

Muireann said...

I'm not the best at skincare but I make sure my face is clean and moisturized, and try to use facemasks every once in a while. I feel I should take better care of my skin and would love to win!

Lina Thomlinson said...

What a giveaway! My routine is pretty simple: wash with a mild cleanser twice a day followed by some tinted Neutrogena moisturizer and L'Oreal's mineral face powder. Once a week I'll try to thoroughly exfoliate and use a mask if I can find the time.

Lina Thomlinson said...

I'm a follower of Flamingo Toes.

Lina Thomlinson said...

I visited the shop and their lip conditioner looks fab! I love that they have cotton candy as a flavor/scent.

Katie said...

I am in my mid-20s and my acne is worse now than when I was in high school. So, I wash my face in the evening with Clean and Clear and apply C&C spot treatment morning and evening.

Katie said...

I also follow Flamingo Toes.

SarahMarie said...

I use the neutrogena skincare line, but am actually looking for something new. This dry winter is doing a number on my skin!

Jerilyn said...

I became a follower of ur blog as well as Flamingo Toes which is the blog where i found out about this blog & give away

Jerilyn said...

I am truly just a wash cloth with water face washer..i visited ur esty shop & the item i would purchase is e the Microderabrasion Fascial Scrub..looks wonderful.

Jerilyn said...

Added ur esty shop to my favorites

Jerilyn said...

Put the microdermabrasion fascial scrub to my favorites

Jerilyn said...

Added ur button to my blog.

Anonymous said...

I usually wash my face with just water and follow up with jojoba oil as moisturizer. Every now and then I use coconut oil if it's super dry out.

Katy @ Lolly Linens said...

I follow you via email! This is such a great idea, thank you. I should do more since I have oily skin and prone to breakouts but I don't. Would love to win some good skin care products.

Timmi said...

I was my face with water that's it the life of a mom!

Timmi said...

I follow your blog

Timmi said...

i like twelve crafts till christmas on facebook

Timmi said...

i love the skin cream they have i want the new york one sounds freaking awesome i will be getting some nice things for myself very soon

elisekayem said...

I usually use aveeno products as my fall back, but I like to try new things sometimes. I'm not really married to one thing though!

elisegeorgoussis at gmail dot com

elisekayem said...

I follow 12 crafts whether or not there's a giveaway!! ;)

elisegeorgoussis at gmail dot com

elisekayem said...

I'm a happy flamingo toes follower!

elisegeorgoussis at gmail dot com

elisekayem said...

I heart skin journey on etsy!

elisegeorgoussis at gmail dot com

elisekayem said...

I'd love to try their Coney Island Cotton Candy Squalane Lip Balm!! Anything cotton candy is always a hit with me! :)

elisegeorgoussis at gmail dot com

elisekayem said...

I heart the cotton candy lip balm on etsy!

elisegeorgoussis at gmail dot com

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